1816 - 2nd Bn. 52nd finally disbanded at Canterbury
1915 - 1st Bn Oxf & Bucks LI - Advance on Amara (Tigris); capture of Norfolk Hill by attack in boats, 1st Bn Oxf & Bucks LI engaged.
1917 – 2nd Bn OXF & BUCKS LI – ARLEUX.
The Regiment was relieved by 2nd Highland Light Infantry after dark and withdrew to position of Support Battalion vacated 28.5.17.
1917 – 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – RESERVE.
Reserve – Companies on Company Training.
Officers of all Companies carried out practice in Rapid Firing.
Weather: Fine and Warm
Ration Strength: 23 Officers 606 OR.
1940 – 1st Bn Oxf & Bucks LI (43rd) – Withdrawal to DUNKIRK.
It was a day of tense excitement, fine and clear; enemy aircraft were continually over. Some of our Spitfires appeared occasionally and drove the enemy off. Some delayed-action bombs were dropped over the Regiment's area, but there were no casualties. Orders and counter-orders were received about embarking.
At 1800 hrs. definite orders were received to embark. The few remaining vehicles were rendered useless and the Regiment marched off. Our progress was delayed by the preceding brigade. Major Richards refused an offer of transport, as he wished to keep the Regiment together. We marched nearer nine than four and a half miles, as we had estimated the distance. Dunkirk was being shelled and bombed.
1959 – 1st Green Jackets, 43rd & 52nd The Regiment disembarked and arrived at Jellalabad Barracks, Tidworth, by train.(on return from CYPRUS)