On arrival at Havre the Battalion entrained for the front, Divisional Headquarters being at St. Venant and Brigade Headquarters at Les Lauriers, on the border of the Foret de Nieppe. They detrained at Berguette, and marched to billets at Le Sart near Merville. Here they remained for about ten days before they and the 2/4th Royal Berks were ordered up to Laventie to take the place of the 2/5th Gloucesters and 2/4th Oxfords, who were undergoing their training in the trenches attached to units of the 114th Brigade of the 38th Welsh Division. Two days later the 184th Brigade was sent to relieve the 114th in the Fauquissart section, and the Bucks and Berks Battalions took over the line with the Oxfords and Glosters in reserve. Battalion Headquarters were established at the White House on Bacquerot Street (the right subsection of the Fauquissart section).
The tours of duty in the trenches were arranged at first so that Battalions had four days in the line and four in reserve. These tours were lengthened later. The Oxfords relieved and were relieved by the Royal Berks, the Glosters by the Bucks, the former Battalions taking the left, the latter the right subsection.
On the 3rd July the Battalion was withdrawn to rest billets at La Fosse, but on arrival at that place was ordered almost immediately to march to take over the right subsection of the Ferme de Bois section from a Battalion of the 91st Infantry Brigade.
Battalion Headquarters were established in a building near Windy Corner on the road leading from Richebourg St. Vaast—Richebourg L’Avoue. Whilst in reserve Battalion Headquarters were in a house opposite the church at R. St. Vaast, situated on the road to Croix Barbee.
After some two weeks in this subsection the Battalion was withdrawn on the 15th July, and marched back to Laventie, where preparations were begun for the attack which eventually took place on the 19th July, after being postponed from the 17th.
The Second Bucks Battalion 1914-1918 : An Unofficial Record
G. Christie-Miller 1920
VOL2 P202