Word of Command
(a) Halt About Turn Right Turn Right In—cline Right Form Left Turn Left In—cline Left Form For—ward (when marking time) Form Fours (from rank in front) Form Two-Deep (front rank in front) Form Fours (rear rank in front) Form Two—Deep (rear rank-in front) Form Fours (from file when on the move ; right of squad leading) Form Two—Deep (right of squad leading) Form Fours (when on the move; left of squad leading) Form Two—Deep (left of squad leading) Form Squad (right leading) .. Form Squad (left leading) |
Quick Time
(b) Right foot coming to the ground. Left foot coming to the ground. Right foot coming to the ground. Right foot coming to the ground. Right foot coming to the ground. Left foot coming to the ground. Left foot coming to the ground. Left foot coming to the ground. Left foot coming to the ground Left foot on the ground. Left foot on the ground. Right foot on the ground. Right foot on the ground. Right foot on the ground. Right foot on the ground. Left foot on the ground. Left foot on the ground. Right foot coming to the ground. Left foot coming to the ground. |
From Quick to double time
Break into double time. Double March From Double to Quick time Break into quick time. Quick March Mark Time Halt (when marking time) |
Left foot coming to the ground. Left foot coming to the ground. Left foot coming to the ground. Right foot coming to the ground. |
(a) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 |
Drill Movement
(b) From Line, turning into File. From file, turning Into line. Turning about. Forming fours from line, on the move. Forming fours from file, on the move. Forming two-deep from fours, on the move. Forming squad from fours. Turning Into line from fours. |
Movement of Rifle
(c) From Trail to Shoulder (In Turning into File after two inclines, the rifle will remain at the trail for the First Incline and will be brought to the shoulder on the second incline.) From Shoulder to Trail (In turning into line after two inclines, the rifle will remain at the shoulder for the first incline and be brought to the Trail on the second incline.) Rifle brought to a perpendicular position in front of the right shoulder (as with the cane) and back to the trail. As in Serial 3. From Shoulder to Trail From trail to Shoulder. As in Serial 3. As in Serial 9. |
When Executed
(d) As the right (or left) foot takes the first pace in the new direction, the left hand being cut away to the side on the next pace of the right (or left) foot. Left hand seizes the rifle in line with the elbow as the right (or left) foot takes the first pace in the new direction : on the second pace with the right (or left) foot the rifle is brought to the trail. See Sec. 28, 5. After completion of pace with the right (or left) foot. The rifle remains in this position until the command " right " or " left is given. Complete the pace with the right (or left) foot, then bring the rifle to the trail in two movements, each being done as the right (or left) foot comes to the ground. As in Serial 5, but for trail read shoulder. Complete the pace with the right (or left) foot, then bring rifle to perpendicular position, returning to the trail on the first pace of the move up into the new alignment. Complete the pace with the right (or left) foot, then bring the rifle, to perpendicular position, returning to the trail as the squad moves forward in the new direction. |