The house of Messrs Hobson & Sons, 1 Lexington Street, Golden Square, London has been appointed Regimental Tradesman.
Unless otherwise ordered officers will on all occasions appear dressed in the same order as the men.
Head dresses will on all occasions be worn straight on the head.
Ornaments of white metal will be kept bright.
Swords will be worn hooked up by unmounted officers when the tunic or greatcoat is worn, and always by Staff Serjeants.
Sticks will not be carried when swords are worn, except by Staff Serjeants.
Swords must never be allowed to trail on the ground.
The cloth and serge material of the uniform of the Regiment is of a dark grey colour.
The helmet and kepi are of invisible green.
The facings are Scarlet where worn.
The buttons and helmet plate are of Bronze metal.
The waist belt plate and buckle for the Rank and File are also Bronze.
The waist belt plate and buckles, cross belt ornaments and regimental device on forage caps and kepi for officers and Staff Serjeants are of white metal.
BOOTS FOR OFFICERS Lace boots with toe caps will be worn by all unmounted officers.
LEGGINGS FOR OFFICERS Leggings will be of regulation pattern and will have only three buttons, the tops being brought together by a black buckle and strap. When leggings are worn the trousers will be tucked inside and then pulled over the tops of the leggings so as to hide the buckle and leave three buttons showing.
SWORD FOR OFFICERS Regulation or a light parade sword (scabbard to be silvered if required)
SWORD KNOT FOR OFFICERS Black leather, the straps to be round around the hilt and the acorn close up to the hilt.
GREATCOATS FOR OFFICERS Regulation. Metal badges of rank on the shoulder straps. The lower points of badge to be ½ inch from lower extremity of shoulder straps. When more than one badge is worn there will be ¼ inch between points of each badge. The button on the shoulder is to be of the same size as that worn on the cape.
GREATCOAT FOR SERJEANT INSTRUCTORS Regulation. The Serjeant Major wears 4 chevrons black braid on scarlet pointing upwards with crown above on right forearm.
Other Serjeant Instructors wear 4 chevrons pointing downwards on same arm with musketery badge if entitled to same.
CAPE Regulation. NB a regulation waterproof coat may be worn by officers and Staff Serjeants if preferred.
GREATCOAT FOR OTHER RANKS Regulation. No badges of rank.
BADGES OF RANK FOR VARIOUS GARMENTS (OFFICERS) Metal on all, viz:-Tunic, Patrol, Mess Jacket and Greatcoat.
BADGES FOR OTHER RANKS Serjeant Major – 4 Silver Chevrons & crown on Tunic and Serge Frock Patrol on upper forearm (also on Greatcoat)
Serjeant Instructors – 4 Silver Chevrons (and musketery badge if entitled) on right upper arm.
Colour Serjeants – 3 Silver Chevrons, cross bugles, cross swords & crown on tunic on right upper arm. On Serge 3 stripes and crown plus proficiency stars over crown.
HAVERSACK FOR ALL RANKS Regulation. Of white black colour to be worn over the right shoulder. The straps to be under the belt behind and in front.
BUTTONS FOR ALL RANKS Bronze. A swan on a shield in centre plus BUCKS RIFLE VOLUNTEERS encircling it. The Swan shows only one wing and has a chain around the neck.
The button on the Kepi and on the shoulder of the undress uniform has only a bugle on it with crown above.
WATERBOTTLE FOR ALL RANKS Is made of toughened glass with a cork stopper attached to the cover with a leather lace.
The cover is black felt round which passes a leather strap. It is worn over the left shoulder with the top of the waterbottle in line with the bottom of the waist belt on the right side of the body.
WAIST BELT FOR OFFICERS & STAFF SERJEANTS Morrocan Leather for Officers. Patent Leather for Staff Serjeants.
The slings are attached to the belt by loops and the sword is attached to the slings by swivels which in their turn are attached to the slings by buckles.
The right hand portion of the waist belt clasp bears the Regimental Badge, around the left hand portion are the words“BUCKINGHAMSHIRE RIFLE VOLUNTEERS”. The front sword sling must be short enough so as just to keep the sword clear of the ground when unhooked.
CROSSBELT FOR OFFICERS AND STAFF SERJEANTS The crossbelt is always worn with the tunic on patrol except when within the limits of camp.
This is also worn by officers at mess when on duty.
Morroco leather for Officers. Patent Leather for Staff Serjeants.
The Pouch (to hold field glasses) is attached to the belt by a ring on either side and loops of leather.
On the pouch is a plain bugle, the letters BRV in scroll beneath.
On the lower part of the cross belt is a whistle in a socket, a double chain attaches this whistle to the mouth of the face of a lion which is on an unbossed circular plate at the upper part of the crossbelt. Midway between the plate and whistle is a universal plate with BRV in scroll in the centre. The chain falls just clear of the crossbelt.
CROSSBELT FOR SERJEANTS AND LANCE SERJEANTS Same as for Staff Serjeants with the exception that Bronze is worn in the place of White Metal, the letters BRV to be of White Metal.
HELMET FOR ALL RANKS Regulation Pattern (there is a bronze rim from the spike down the centre at back of the officers helmet). Invisible green cloth and bronze ornaments.
The chin strap when down is worn at the point of the chin and is attached to the outside of the helmet by hooks, it is only worn hooked up when on Church Parade and is then passed round the front of the helmet under hook on right side and fastened to a hook at the top.
The plate consists of a Maltese Cross with crown above, the centre of plate is of red ground with a swan and encircling it are the words “BUCKS RIFLE VOLUNTEERS”.
The helmet is worn in “Marching Order”,“Review Order” and “Guard Mounting Order”.
FORAGE CAP FOR OFFICERS AND STAFF SERJEANTS Grey cloth cap, stiff crown, patent leather straight peak rounded off in front and leather chin strap worn at the point of the chin. The band round the lower part of the cap is as follows:- Red cloth 1 inch wide in the centre with black braid 3/8 inch wide at top and bottom showing 1/16 inch red cloth outside. A button on the tops of caps consists of black mohair braid and flat braided chain links round it. On the front of the cap is a white metal bugle with the figure 1 inside surmounted by a crown and below on the red cloth are the letters BRV in scroll also in White Metal.
The forgage cap is worn in “Drill Order”when the Commanding Officer is present, also on all duties in camp.
KEPI FOR OFFICERS AND STAFF SERJEANTS Invisible Green cloth with side flaps which are fastened together in front and at the back with a small regimental button. A thin red braid loops round the button on the right flap in front and on the left flap at the back ends at the lower edge of the kepi.
The same badge as on the forage cap is on the left hand side of the kepi 2 ¼ inches from the front and ¾ inch from the bottom edge.
The Kepi is worn on Company and Adjutants drills, also at musketery and on fatigues.
KEPI FOR OTHER RANKS The same pattern as above with the exception that the badge is of red worsted.
The Kepi is worn in “Drill Order” and in“Field Day Order”
TROUSERS FOR ALL RANKS FULL DRESS. Cloth, side pockets, Scarlet piping down the seam of trousers. UNDRESS. Same as Full Dress for Officers and for Other Ranks, same as above but of Serge.
TUNIC FOR OFFICERS Regulation Pattern. Cloth, eight buttons down the front. Shoulder Cords 1 ½ inch wide of thick plaited mohair braid with a ball button of same material. Metal badges the lower point of which is 1 inch from shoulder end. The collar is cut square and is fastened by 2 hooks and eyes. Height of collar 2 inches and consists of 7/8 inches wide flat silk Black braid at the top with 1/8 inch of same braid below joining it in scroll and at the bottom of collar is 1/8 inch Black braid the remainder of collar is of Scarlet cloth.
There is one inside left breast pocket.
The Cuffs are of Scarlet cloth with the following addition:- An Austrian Knot in Black round silk braid finishing straight down the seam at outer side of and at the bottom edge of cuff. On either side of this braid is 1/16 inch flat black braid.
ADDITION FOR CAPTAINS:-1/8 inch Black flat braid in scroll outside the knot and also between the knot and cuff. Ending down the centre of cuff in a favey point.
TUNIC FOR SERJEANT INSTRUCTORS Regulation Pattern. The shoulder straps 2 ¼ inches wide in centre all of plain cloth with Scarlet piping outside and back about 1 inch from the shoulder end.
No facings on cuff. On the sleeve above the cuff is an Austrian Knot with Scarlet piping both inside and outside the knot. The collar is the same as that for the rank and file.
The Serjeant Major wears 4 silver chevrons pointing upwards on right forearm above the knot with a crown in silver above both on scarlet ground.
The Serjeant Instructors wear 4 silver chevrons on Scarlet ground pointing downwards on upper part of right arm and if in possession of Serjeant Instructor of Musketery Certificate cross rifles in silver on scarlet ground are worn above the chevrons.
TUNIC FOR OTHER RANKS Regulation Pattern. Cloth. Collar 1 ½ inches high and consists of 3/8 inch Black flat braid at the top and bottom of collar, then 1/8 inch Scarlet cloth top and bottom, then 1/8 inch black braid top and bottom, lastly ¼ inch scarlet cloth in the centre. The second lowest black braid ends in a Crows foot knot at the centre of the back of the collar.
Shoulder straps the same as the Serjeant Instructors.
The Cuff consists of an Austrian Knot on Scarlet ground, no facings to cuff.
Eight buttons down the front of the tunic.
Scarlet piping down the front and along the bottom of coat, also both sides of braid on cuff but on the inside only of the knot.
A watch pocket in line of bottom button and on the right. Left breast inside pocket.
MESS JACKET FOR OFFICERS Regulation Pattern Shell Jacket, cloth. The collar is 1 3/8 inches high and consists of:- 1 1/8 inch black flat braid at the top showing 1/8 inch scarlet cloth below with 1/8 inch black braid below the scarlet cloth.
The collar is fastened with 1 hook in front on loop of braid. The Black silk braid of 1 1/8 inch on the collar is carried right round the jacket (the centre of the bottom edge of back of jacket ends in a point). The other black braid 1/8 inch on collar is also carried round the jacket with a loop at each front corner, the same in the between these two braids is kept as on collar. An Austrian Knot of same braid is at the following points, one on each seam on either side of point at bottom of centre of back above the broad braid and one at each corner of bottom edge of front of jacket.
Cuffs of scarlet cloth consisting of:-1/16 inch scarlet cloth on the outside , then 1/16 inch Black braid, 1/16 inch Scarlet cloth, 1 1/8 inch Black braid, 1/16 inch Scarlet cloth and lastly 1/16 inch Black braid, the remainder in Scarlet cloth.
The first Black braid ends in a loop at the upper end. The Scarlet cloth on cuff measures 2 ¾ inches from edge of sleeve to the Black braid on the front of cuff and ¾ inch from edge of sleeve to the black braid at the side of cuff.
Shoulder Straps, Black knotted mohair braid, similar to Tunic and with a singular Ball button. Badges similar to Tunic and Patrol. There are 12 hooks and eyes down the front of jacket.
It has only one inside breast pocket . The jacket has quilted lining.
MESS WAIST COAT FOR OFFICERS Cloth. Sides fastened together by 12 hooks and eyes, 6 on one side and 6 on the other, on left hand side are 51 page buttons.
The waistcoat is bound as follows:- ½ inch Black braid, then 7/16 inch Scarlet cloth on which is 1/8 inch Black scroll braid, lastly 1/8 inch Black braid showing 1/16 inch Scarlet cloth.
The pockets are bound with 1/8 inch Black braid on Scarlet ground, each pocket is 6 inches long and 2 inches wide across the scrolls in the centre and 1 ¼ inches across the scrolls at the ends.
The waistcoat is fastened high enough in front so as not to show any shirt when the collar of the jacket is buttoned.
If a collar is worn without a tie the collar should be buttoned onto the inside of the collar of coat and then there will be uniformity.
PATROL FOR OFFICERS Cloth. Collar 1 ¾ inch high and consists of:- 3/8 inch Black round braid at top and bottom of collar, with 1 3/8 inch of Scarlet cloth in the centre, it is fastened by a hook.
Cuffs, Scarlet, Austrian Knot of Black round braid, the knot ends with a curve towards the front at the outer seam (back and front) of patrol.
Shoulder Straps, cloth, 1 ¾ inch wide at the centre, with badges of rank.
The shoulder strap is bound with ½ inch Black flat braid and is fastened down by a small Regimental button.
The patrol is fastened in front with 4 Regimental buttons and is bound all round with round braid as found on collar.
Side pockets are worn with plain round Black braid binding them, the braid ends in a loop at each end. One inside breast pocket . Small Austrian Knots are at each side of bottom edge of back and also one at centre of bottom edge at back of coat.
PATROL FOR SERJEANT INSTRUCTORS Cloth. Collar 1 ½ inch high and consists of:- ½ inch Black braid at top of collar with 1 inch Scarlet cloth in the centre. 5 buttons down the front. Collar has 1 hook. Side pockets bound with Black braid.
Cuffs Scarlet cloth with ½ inch Black braid at top of cuff, showing Scarlet piping outside.
SERGE PATROL FOR STAFF SERJEANTS Serjeant Major wears 4 Black chevrons on right forearm with Black crown above, both on Scarlet ground. Cuffs of Scarlet cloth. Serjeant Instructors wear 4 Black chevrons on upper arm and cross rifles above if entitled to them,all on Scarlet ground.
SERGE JACKET FOR OTHER RANKS Serge. Same pattern as patrol. Badges of rank in Black cloth on Scarlet ground.
No facings on cuff. Side pockets are only worn by the Assistant Instructors in Signalling, Stretcher Bearers, Bandsmen and Buglers. Badges are worn by Signallers, neither marksmens badges nor Stars are worn. The coat has 2 slits at bottom edge of back. It is lined with Black cloth on alpaca. There are 5 buttons down the front. Collar 1 ½ inch high is rounded off in front and fastened by 1 hook and consists of:- ½ inch Black flat braid at top and 1 inch Red cloth. The Black braid continues right round the coat and the same braid guilds the upper part of cuff, ending in a point upwards on the front of sleeve, 5 ½ inches from the edge and is 2 ¼ inches from the bottom edge of the centre of back of sleeve. The Shoulder Strap is of double Black corded braid.
DRESS FOR CYCLIST RIDERS JACKET. Same as rank and file with pockets on skirt 8 inches deep and 8 inches wide with flaps and button. Loops for waistbelt on skirt, jacket lined with navy Blue flannel.
BREECHES. Ordinary shape, 3 buttons on each knee.
SPATS. Waterproof canvas, russet brown colour eight inches long , five buttons, showing about 3 ½ inches of boot.
BANDOLIER. Brown leather, 3 ½ inches broad, holds 50 rounds, 4 pouches each 10 rounds, 2 pouches each 5 rounds.
RESERVE MEN Similar dress to the Corps except that the letter R is worn on the shoulder straps on tunic and the ordinary chevron (small size) on the upper arm showing the rank.
MOUNTED OFFICERS BOOTS When unmounted. Wellington boots, spurs and overalls strapped under the foot will be worn.
When mounted on duty. Pantaloons and regulation boots either enamelled or polished with regulation spurs will be worn.
SABETACHE Will only be worn when mounted on duty. It will be attached to the sword belt by three slings.
SADDLERY Regulation saddle. Blue girths. Sheepskin wallets. Chain attached to halter passed round neck of horse and attached to front of saddle. To the front wing of chain is attached a Scarlet throat plume. Bridle regulation Infantry, Scarlet enamelled leather forehead band and rosettes. Bosses on bit of white metal with VR in centre encircled with “RIFLE VOLUNTEERS” and crown above.
LIGHT MARCHING ORDER will consist of:- Serge Dress, Helmet, Braces, Greatcoat, Mess Tin and Cover, Haversack, Waterbottle, leggings, Kepi under straps of greatcoat and mess tin.
Officers and Staff Serjeants to wear Patrol, Helmet,Leggings, Haversack & Greatcoat (rolled as previously worn)
REVIEW ORDER will consist of:- Tunic and Tweed trousers with helmet.
FIELD DAY ORDER will consist of:- Serge Dress, Helmet, Kepi, Haversack, Waterbottle and Leggings.
Officers and Staff Serjeants to wear Patrol and Leggings.
DRILL ORDER will consist of:- Serge Dress and Kepi,
Officers and Staff Serjeants to wear Patrol and Forage Caps or Kepi (according to nature of parade)
GUARD MOUNTING ORDER will consist of:- Same as Light marching Order but with Tunic and Tweed Trousers.
Officers to wear Tunic and Leggings but neither Greatcoat nor Haversack.
METHOD OF WEARING THE EQUIPMENT. To Roll Fold the Greatcoat:- lay the coat open inside uppermost, turn bothsides of the coat over so that the edges meet fair in the centre, Turn in the collar (just clear of the button), then again another 6 inches, lay the sleeves out flat right and left, fold them across the collar so that the fold of each sleeve lies square with the outside edge of the coat, Fold in the sides of the coat (sleeves included) to the width of fifteen inches, The man must then kneel on the skirt end of the coat to keep it tight, whilst the other folds the coat beginning at the collar end. The coat when folded to be 15 inches long and 9 inches wide.
TO DRESS FOR LIGHT MARCHING ORDER:- Place the Haversack over the Right shoulder, pass the waterbottle over the Left shoulder, Pass the frog onto the Left side of the waistbelt , and pass the Pouches onto the belt, the safety pouch on the Right side.
Take hold of the Braces and pass the single back strap (which is called the adjustable strap) through the D on the back of the Belt, then through the metal runner on the Adjustable strap itself and buckle, finally passing the end of the strap through the ring (at the centre of the back) and downwards behind through the runner. Fasten the other ends of the Braces to the Belt by passing each upwards through the D on the waistbelt and the D on the Pouch then buckle. Pass the arms through the Braces and before buckling the belt place the Bayonet between the Haversack and the body, pass the Belt outside both straps of the Haversack but inside the front strap of the waterbottle. Arrange the Haversack so that the top of it is just under the bend of the bayonet and arrange the Waterbottle so that the top of the stopper is in line with the bottom of the waistbelt and the front straps behind the right corner of the Pouch, Now cause the Adjustable strap to be tightened or loosened so as to fit, bringing the rivets of the upper coat strap just clear and behind the shoulder strap (when once the equipment is fitted this adjusting will not be required to be done). Another man must also take the coat and strap it on the shoulders taking care that the loose edge of the coat is on the side next to the body just above the ring on the braces and pointing downwards. The harness of the coat straps should be 3 ½ inches apart. Before tightening the coat straps the Kepi is to be laid on the side of the coat with the Regimental badge between the straps. Now hold the Mess tin in the Left hand (the leather D on the flat side of the tin at the bottom) pass the mess tin strap downwards through the leather D on the round side of the mess tin. The other man takes the mess tin and passes the mess tin strap through the metal runner on the adjustable strap, then through the ring at the centre at the centre of the back, and finally through the back of the coat and buckles tight on the top, this buckle and the buckles of the coat straps to be in the same line.
TO TURN FROM LIGHT MARCHING ORDER INTO DRILL ORDER:- Unfasten the Belt and shoulder straps, remove the equipment from the shoulders, then remove the Waterbottle and Haversack, unbuckle the MessTin strap and pull clear, remove the braces from the belt and put the belt on again with the pouches and scabbard.