Based on extracts from the Regimental Chronicles of the Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire Light Infantry Vol 26 1916-1917
August 1st.-At 5 p.m. the Regiment proceeded from Brigade Reserve to Waterlot Farm trenches, in relief of the 2nd H.L.I.
August 2nd.-At Waterlot Farm.
August 3rd.-At 8 p.m. the Regiment was relieved by the 17th R. Fusiliers, and went into reserve, as before. Casualties.—Sergeant P. Barlow (Scout Sergeant) wounded, 3 men killed, while on patrol duty.
August 5th.-The 52nd reinforcement (1 Sergeant and 65 R. and F.) joined at the Happy Valley (F.26.27.L.2.3).
The 5th Infantry Brigade were relieved by the 6th Infantry Brigade from Divisional Reserve. The Regiment stood fast, in order to save an exchange of positions with the 13th Essex Regiment.
August 8th.-The vicinity of Brigade and Regimental H.Q. was unpleasantly shelled for 5 hours last night. Today Guillemont was attacked by the 6th Brigade. The relief of the 5th Brigade (from Divisional Reserve) was cancelled, and the Regiment was lent to the 6th Brigade, and disposed in support positions between Trones and Bernafay Woods. Regimental H.Q. in the latter, sharing a dugout with 2nd S. Staffordshire H.Q.
August 9th.-The 6th Brigade renewed the attack; two Companies (B and C) of the Regiment moved up, but were not required. Later the 6th Brigade was relieved by the 17th Brigade, and the Regiment returned to its old area in the vicinity of 5th Brigade H.Q.
August 10th.-The Brigade moved to the Sandpit area, and went into bivouac.
August 11th.-The Regiment marched to Ville-sur-Ancre (Ville-sous-Corbie), and found the 5th (Service) Battalion of the Regiment at Buire, less than two miles away.
August 12th.-Quiet day. Brigade conference. 53rd reinforcement (1 Sergeant, 38 other ranks) joined.
August 13th.-The Regiment marched to Mericourt L'Abbe, thence by rail to Saleux, and thence marched via Saveuse to Ailly-sur-Somme.
August 14th.-54th reinforcement (16 men) joined. By 6.20 p.m. today the move to Ailly-sur-Somme was completed: Very comfortable billets. Bathing parades.
August 15th.-Rest. Bathing. Divisional conferences.
August 16th.-Marched to Montonvillers.
August 17th.-To Candas.
August 18th.-To Bus-les-Artois.
August 19th.-The 5th Brigade relieved the 3rd Guards' Brigade in Beaumont section. The Regiment moved into Brigade Reserve, relieving the 1st Grenadiers Guards in new billets in Bus-les-Artois, with H.Q. under canvas just outside the village.
August 20th-21st.-Training and various classes of instruction in progress. August 22nd.-The C.O., with the Adjutant and Company Commanders, reconnoitred the trenches of the left battalion.
August 23rd.- The 55th reinforcement (28 men) joined. The Regiment relieved the 17th R. Fusiliers in the trenches,
August 24th-28th.-In the trenches.
Casualties.—On the 26th 3 men of C Company were killed.
August 29th.-To Courcelles-au-Bois,on relief by the17th R. Fusiliers. B Company was left at the disposal of the 17th R.F., and D Company went to Ellis Square Redoubt and Fort Horstead.
September 1st.-The Regiment, in position of Support Battalion of the 5th Brigade, was distributed as follows :-- Regimental H.Q. and one company in huts and tents at Courcelles-au-Bois. One company in billets at Colincamps. One company in Ellis Square (redoubt). One company in the trenches, at the disposal of the left battalion holding the Beaumont sector (17th R.F.).
September 2nd.-The 56th reinforcement (25 men) joined.
September 3rd.-At about 11.30 last night some five shells were fired into the area occupied by H.Q. and the company. A man and a horse of another unit sharing the ground were killed. Splinters fell on the tents and huts, but without doing any damage.
September 4th.-The Regiment relieved the 17th R. Fusiliers for a second tour of duty in Beaumont left sub-sector.
September 5th-9th.-On the-whole a quiet and uneventful period The weather improved.
September 10th.-The Regiment, on relief by the 17th R. Fusiliers, moved to position of Battalion in Divisional Reserve, in huts at Coigneux Wood.
September 11th.-The 57th reinforcement (17 men) joined. Major-General R. Fanshawe, C.B., D.S.O. (52nd Light Infantry, 1883-1911), visited the Regiment, speaking to men on parade, and afterwards addressing the officers.
September 12th.-The Regiment practised cooperation with aeroplanes just north of Couin.
September 12th-15th.-At Coigneux. During this period the Regiment was usefully employed in Company Training and Physical Training.
September 16th.-Relieved the 17th R. Fusiliers in the same trenches. Relief effected without incident.
September 16th-19th.-In trenches. On the 17th, 18th, and 19th Regimental H.Q. were shelled. At 9.30 a.m. on the 19th we were suddenly relieved by the 12th (Service) Battalion R. Sussex Regiment (116th Brigade, 39th Division), and moved to huts north of Bus-les-Artois.
September 20th.-On the relief of the 5th Brigade the Regiment moved to Sarton into good billets.
September 23rd.-Still at Sarton.
September 26th.-The 58th reinforcement (11 men) joined. The Regiment was placed at two hours' notice to move.
The proposed night scheme was, therefore, abandoned.
September 27th.-Training in the vicinity of billets ordered to be proceeded with. Four hours' notice of move probable.
September 28th.-Normal training ordered to be resumed.
September 29th.-The night scheme (attack from trenches), deferred from 26th/27th, was very satisfactorily carried out.
1. The Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire Light Infantry Chronicle, 1916-17. Vol 26 : compiled and edited by Lieut.-Colonel A.F. Mockler-Ferryman: London : Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1918