1874 – 52nd – Arrived at Portsmouth from Gibraltar and went into Cambridge Barracks after 6 years in the Mediterranean.
1916 – 2/4th Oxf & Bucks LI and 2/1st Bucks Bn arrived Havre from England.
1917 – 2nd Bn OXF & BUCKS LI – WILLERVAL.
In Support.
1917 – 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – OUTPOST LINE.
Outpost Line – ENEMY ARTILLERY more active than usual. Round Battn HQ was heavily shelled with 5.9. One COOKER being knocked out. Special attention was also paid to HERMIES the roads being intermittently shelled. On the front line some BLUE PIGEONS and RIFLE GRENADES were fired at No3 Post D Coy but without doing any damage.
Our OBSERVERS noticed that 4 trees on road in E.27d had been felled during the night. ENEMY MOVEMENT was much quieter than usual.
One of our patrols located an ENEMY post in a COPSE at K20c30.
AEROPLANES of both sides were fairly active.
OUR ARTILLERY carried out WIRE CUTTING in front of SPOIL HEAP at K20 central.
Weather: Very Warm.
Ration Strength: 23 Officers 632 OR.
1944 – 1st Bucks Bn confined to Petworth Camp in preparation of the move to the marshalling camps ready for the D Day invasion of Normandy.