1915 – 2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI -ESSARS.
A quiet day and useful for refitting the companies.
1915– 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – COUIN
Battalion in Billets.
1918 - 7th and 8th Bns Oxf & Bucks LI Armistice with Bulgaria declared.
On this day 30th September:-
1915 – 2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI -ESSARS. A quiet day and useful for refitting the companies. 1915– 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – COUIN Battalion in Billets. 1918 - 7th and 8th Bns Oxf & Bucks LI Armistice with Bulgaria declared.
On this day 29th September:-
1790 - 52nd marched from Coimbatore on Dinaporam (India). 1915 – 2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI -FROM BETHUNE TO ESSARS. In the afternoon the Regiment moved into billets at ESSARS. More rain today. 1915– 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – HEBUTERNE Battalion in Trenches. Relieved by 6/GLOSTERS at 1pm. Bn to billets at COUIN in Divisional Reserve. On this day 28th September:-
1915 - 1st Bn Oxf & Bucks LI engaged Battle of Kut (Mesopotamia) 1915 – 2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI -IN TRENCHES AT GIVENCHY. Three quiet days and nights. (26th-29th) Trench Mortars and Minenwerfers occasionally damaged the trenches. A great deal of rain fell during this period. At 10pm on 28th the 1/Seaforth Highlanders (attached to SIRHIND Brigade) relieved the Regiment which marched to billets at the ORPHANAGE BETHUNE. Lieut J H BOARDMAN (from Duty at the Base) joined for duty. 1915– 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – HEBUTERNE Battalion in Trenches. Quiet Day. Enemy shelled with Shrapnel. On this day 27th September:-
1810 - Battle of Busaco; Pte. James Hopkins, 52nd, in this action took prisoner the French General Simon. 1915 – 2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI -IN TRENCHES AT GIVENCHY. Three quiet days and nights. (26th-29th) Trench Mortars and Minenwerfers occasionally damaged the trenches. A great deal of rain fell during this period. Casualties: 3 Wounded. 1915– 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – HEBUTERNE Battalion in Trenches. Quiet Day. Enemy shelled with Shrapnel intermittently. On this day 26th September:-
1914 – 7th (S)Bn Oxf & Bucks LI formed at Oxford and moved to camp at Codford St. Mary (Wilts). 1914 – 2nd Bucks Bn officially recognised as separate unit (2/1 Bucks). 1915 – 2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI -IN TRENCHES AT GIVENCHY. Three quiet days and nights.(26th-29th) Trench Mortars and Minenwerfers occasionally damaged the trenches. A great deal of rain fell during this period. 2nd Lieut C R HORLEY (previously wounded) joined for duty. 1915– 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – HEBUTERNE Battalion in Trenches. Guns shelled enemy’s line intermittently, No Reply. On this day 25th September:-
1915 - Battle of Loos; attack made by 2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI at Givenchy (casualties, 9 Officers and 226 men); 1915 – 2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI -IN TRENCHES AT GIVENCHY. About 2am information received that the “accessory” cylinders would be opened at 5.50am so that our attack would commence at 6am. The attack by the 5th Infantry Brigade was timed to be half an hour in advance of the attack Southwards. In this neighbourhood at the above hour the air was practically motionless , with the result that the “gas” hung very considerably and in our part of the line did more harm to our own men than to the enemy, who in only very few cases were found to have suffered from its effects. The Right Company (A) had little difficulty in reaching the German first line and a great part of this company also penetrated to the second line another 150 yards beyond. The company had about 20 bombers and between them about 200 bombs of the new Ball pattern. Each man carried five in a belt and each pair shared a box of twelve. This supply was however nothing like sufficient to withstand the attack by the German bombers launched about an hour after their lines were occupied. The 2 companies of the 1/Queens Regt as well as the 2/HLI on their right were gradually forced back and by about am all these five companies or what remained of them were back in the British Front Line trenches. Once more a shortage of bombs is one cause of our retirement: another is that the match striker in use with these Ball bombs was very much affected by the damp weather: another – the Germans use handle bombs and these undoubtedly carry further than those without handles. Meanwhile the Left company (D) on advancing from the neighbourhood of the WARREN where our gas had affected many men, received a very warm reception from the enemy. They advanced in 2 parties each of 2 sections; the Southern one under Lt NEWTON-KING at once came under severe Machine Gun fire and practically no advance could be made here; the Northern Party did no better, as on advancing to the edge of the craters, they found the enemy ready prepared for them and for some little time a bombing and fire encounter took place in which we were able to kill many Germans but no ground could be gained owing to the very heavy wire entanglements in front of their trenches and the presence of many Machine Guns . Between 6 and 11am our trenches were pretty steadily bombarded by “Whiz-bangs” whilst heavier shells were directed on the neighbourhood of the church. The remainder of the day and the night was quiet. The 5th Brigade had been told not to press their attack continuously should the first results be fruitless. A section of the 3rd Field Company Royal Engineers was in readiness to assist should the attack be successful. A Working Party of 100 men of the 7/Kings Regt was employed in digging out a communication trench, but the work did not proceed very far. In one part of the line a party thus employed very much impeded the advance of reinforcements on this line of slight cover. Casualties: Killed: Lieut P F NEWTON-KING 2Lieut E R G HUGHES 2Lieut L A VIDAL And 33 men. Wounded: Lieut T E TITHERINGTON Lieut A N CAREW-HUNT Lieut P L C WEBSTER Lieut J D BELGRAVE 2Lieut C HURST-BROWN (Died of Wounds 26/9/1915) Capt E SCOTT (RAMC) And 124 men. Missing: Lieut V V JACOB And 69 men. Lieut R CLARK took over Medical charge of the Regiment vice Capt SCOTT. 1915– 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – HEBUTERNE Battalion in Trenches. Guns shelled enemy position 2pm & intermittently onwards. 1915 - 5th Bn Oxf & Bucks LI attacked Bellewarde Farm, Ypres (casualties, 13 Officers and 463 men). On this day 24th September:-
1809 - The Light Division at Horquerra, on the River Vadillo (Spain). 1915 – 2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI -IN TRENCHES AT GIVENCHY. Artillery bombardment continued. In the late afternoon the Regiments of the 5th Brigade assumed their “battle stations” preparatory to attacking on the following day, the order being as under: On Right Glasgow Highlanders, then 2/HLI, 1/Queens, 2/Oxf & Bucks Lt Infty, one company 7/KINGS REGT. The Regiments frontage was between BERKELEY ST (about 100 yards South of the SHRINE) and North end of Northern Group of Craters. Companies being distributed as follows: On Right: A Company, Supported by C Company. On Left: D Company with B Company in Reserve. Regimental Head Quarters moved to deep shelters close behind the Support trenches. Brigade Head Quarters moved to FANSHAWE CASTLE between PONT FIXE and WINDY CORNER. Every man carried 220 rounds of Ammunition. Also 2 sandbags. Packs, including waterproof coats were stored and the following equipment was worn: Haversack in middle of back with Waterproof Sheet and cardigan waistcoat rolled on belt below. In view of the use of smoke helmets of which one tube pattern, one ordinary pattern and one respirator are now carried, everyone had a distinguishing mark sewn on the upper part of the left arm: In companies the O.C. the Co wore a large letter, Platoon Commanders and Sergeants the number (large) and Other Ranks the number (small) of their platoons. Men (5) carrying Vermoral Sprayers wore V.S. on an armlet. All orderlies wore a Red and White band on one arm. The C.O. and the Adjutant wore a small piece of Regimental Ribbon pinned on the shoulder. The following were kept in Reserve near WINDY CORNER . All Reserve Machine Gunners and Signallers. From companies all NCO’s surplus to an establishment of one Platoon Sergeant and 2 NCO’s per section. The Corps permitted only 20 Officers to be taken into action 2nd Lieut PEPLOE remained in Reserve. Casualties: Killed 2. Wounded 3. 1915– 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – HEBUTERNE Battalion in Trenches. Guns shelled enemy position 2.30pm & 5.30pm – No Reply. On this day 23rd September:-
1915 – 2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI -TO TRENCHES AT GIVENCHY. Artillery bombardment of enemy’s trenches etc continued all day. In the afternoon the regiment relieved the 2/Worcestershire Regiment in B.3. Quiet night. 1915– 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – HEBUTERNE Battalion in Trenches. Guns shelled enemy’s trenches and various points and broke wire at point 862 – no reply. On this day 22nd September:-
1915 –2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI - IN BILLETS AT LE QUESNOY. Artillery bombardment continued, practically no reply by enemy. The regiment in reserve. 1915– 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – HEBUTERNE Battalion in Trenches. Guns shelled enemy’s trenches & villages, no reply except four “Little Willies” at 3 & 5pm. 1915 - 7th (S) Bn Oxf & Bucks LI arived at Boulogne from England. 1944 - 7th Bn Oxf & Bucks LI placed into Suspended Animation and finally Disbanded. On this day 21st September:-
1790 - 52nd present at Conclusion of the siege of Paulighautcherry; 1915 –2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI - TO BILLETS AT LE QUESNOY. As we commenced an artillery bombardment today, our front line and 2nd line trenches were were reduced by half in strength and one company returned to billets at dawn. In the afternoon the 2nd/Worcestershires Regt relieved the Regiment in B.3. Casualties: Wounded 2. 1915– 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – HEBUTERNE Battalion in Trenches. Our guns shelled enemy’s villages at 3.10pm and 8.45pm, no reply immediately but enemy shelled HEBUTERNE at 6pm little damage. B & D Coys in Support. On this day 20th September:-
1915 –2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI - IN TRENCHES AT GIVENCHY. Very quiet day and night. 31st Reinforcement 16 men (all Machine Gunners or Signallers) arrived. Casualties: Killed 1. 1915– 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – HEBUTERNE Battalion in Trenches. Quiet Day. 1917 - 6th (S) Bn Oxf & Bucks LI heavily engaged in Battle of the Menin Road (3rd YPRES) On this day 19th September:-
1915 –2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI - TO TRENCHES AT GIVENCHY. In the afternoon the Regiment relieved the 2/Worcestershire Regt in B.3. Very quiet night. 1915– 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – HEBUTERNE Battalion in Trenches. Quiet Day. 1915 - 8th (S) Bn Oxf & Bucks LI arrived at Havre from England. On this day 18th September:-
1915 – 2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI -LE QUESNOY In billets in Reserve. 1915– 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – HEBUTERNE Battalion in Trenches. 13/MANCHESTERS left at 2pm. Quiet Day. 1916 – 6th (S) Bn Oxf & Bucks LI present Battle of Flers-Courcellette;, 1917 - 7th (S) and 8th (S) Bns Oxf & Bucks LI present-Battle of Doiran; 1944 -7th Bn Oxf & Bucks LI-Engaged in the Battle of Ceriano (Italy) (18th/20th September) On this day 17th September:-
1759 - 43rd - Quebec surrendered - 43rd formed part of the garrison of occupation. 1915 – 2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI -TO BILLETS AT LE QUESNOY IN the afternoon the Brigade again moved into B area. The Regiment marching to LE QUESNOY to billets there. Distance about 3 miles. 1915– 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – COUIN Relieved 6/GLOSTERS in Trenches at 5pm. – K Sector. A Coy Left Subsector. C Coy Right Subsector. D Coy Support FONQUEVILLERS Road. B Coy in KEEP. 2 Coys 13/MANCHESTERS attached, one Company in as complete Company in place of C Coy. One Coy in KEEP. 1944 – 1st Airborne Divisional Defence Platoon incorporating members of 2nd (AB) Bn Oxf & Bucks LI flew to ARNHEM. Also serving with the Division were former Officers and Other Ranks of the r Regiment including:- Brigadier Lathbury (43rd) 1 Para Brigade Major Haig (52nd) Div Provost Major Wallis (4th Bn) 2IC 2Para Bn Major Tatham Warter (52nd) OC A Coy 2Para Bn Captain Moy-Thomas (52nd) Staff Captain 1 Airlanding Brigade Captain Robson (52nd) Div GSO3 Captain Blatch (Bucks) Glider Pilot Regiment Lieutenant Grayburn (43rd) A Coy 2Para Bn who was to win the Victoria Cross. Lieutenant Eastwood (52nd) 21st Independent Parachute Company On this day 16th September:-
1857 - 52nd engaged in severe street fighting in DELHI. 1915 – 2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI -OBLINGHEM In Reserve (whole Brigade) Usual drills and classes of instruction including an Adjutants Drill. Information received that No 10290 Corporal H WATKINS (since Killed in Action 10-9-1915) has been awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal. 1915– 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – COUIN Battalion in Billets. 2 Coys Working Parties. On this day 15th September:-
1915 –2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI - OBLINGHEM In Reserve (whole Brigade) Usual drills and classes of instruction. 30th Reinforcement of 25 men arrived. 1915– 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – COUIN Battalion in Billets. 2 Coys Working Parties. 1916 - 5th (S) Bn Oxf & Bucks LI present at Gueudecourt - Battle of Flers-Courcellette;(Somme) On this day 14th September:-
1857 - 52nd severely engaged at the storming of the Cashmere Gate, DELHI. V.C.'s won by L/Cpl. Smith and Bugler Hawthorne. 1914 - 2/4th (T.F.) Bn Oxf & Bucks LI raised at Oxord; 1914 - 6th (Service) Bn Oxf & Bucks LI formed at Old Dean Common (Camberley). 1915 – 2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI -OBLINGHEM In Reserve (whole Brigade) Usual drills and classes of instruction. 1915– 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – COUIN Battalion in Billets. 2 Coys Working Parties. On this day 13th September:-
1759 - 43rd took part in the Battle of Quebec. 1915 – 2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI -IN TRENCHES AT GIVENCHY. In the afternoon relieved by 2/Royal Welch Fusiliers (19th Brigade) and marched 4 miles to scattered billets at OBLINGHEM. Casualties: Wounded 2 1915 – 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – COUIN Battalion Route March. ST LEGER – AUTHIE – LOUVENCOURT. Joined by LT GEN SNOW on the march at LOUVENCOURT. GOC DIV ordered practice attack on BUS. Marched back thence direct to billets. 1944 -7th Bn Oxf & Bucks LI - engaged in Attack on Sensoli Ridge (Italy) (13/14 September) On this day 12th September:-
1915 – 2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI -IN TRENCHES AT GIVENCHY. Quite quiet period except for a little more frequent use of Minenwerfer by the enemy. Casualties: Killed 1. Wounded 1. 1915– 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – COUIN Battalion in Billets. 2 Coys Working Parties. 1 Coy Training. 1918 - Cpl. W. Wilcox, 2/4th Bn Oxf & Bucks LI, near Laventie, gained the V.C.; 1918 - Battle of Havrincourt, 2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI engaged. On this day 11th September:-
1777 - 43rd and flank companies 52nd engaged at Brandywine (American War of Independence). 1915 – 2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI -IN TRENCHES AT GIVENCHY. Quite quiet period except for a little more frequent use of Minenwerfer by the enemy. Casualties:Nil 1915– 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – COUIN Battalion in Billets. 2 Coys Working Parties. 1 Coy Training. On this day 10th September:-
1790 - 52nd present at the commencement of the siege of Paulighautcherry (India). 1915 – 2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI -TO TRENCHES AT GIVENCHY. In afternoon relieved 1/Queens in same sector. Casualties: Killed 1. 1915– 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – COUIN Battalion in Billets. 2 Coys Working Parties. 1 Coy Training. On this day 9th September:-
1915 – 2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI -LE QUESNOY. Resting in Billets. 1915– 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – COUIN Battalion in Billets. 2 Coys Working Parties. 1 Coy Training. On this day 8th September:-
1914 - 1st Bn Oxf & Bucks LI at Ahmednagar received orders to mobilize. 1915 – 2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI -TO BILLETS AT LE QUESNOY. At 5am our miners blew in a German mine very successfully the craters thus formed much improving our position at the sap-heads. Quiet day. Casualties: Killed Capt AWN PONSONBY (shot by sniper in early morning) and 2 men. Wounded: Lieut CA BARRAN, 2nd Lieut AES RIDDLE and 9 men In the afternoon relieved by the 1/Queens and returned to the same billets in LE QUESNOY. 1915– 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – COUIN Battalion in Billets. 2 Coys Working Parties. 1 Coy Training. 1943 – 7th Bn Oxf & Bucks LI took part in SALERNO landings. On this day 7th September:-
1760 - Capitulation of Montreal (Canada); 43rd present. 1807 - Surrender of Copenhagen. 1915 – 2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI -IN TRENCHES AT GIVENCHY. Early in the morning the enemy blew up a mine close to one sap in Southern Group of craters but very little harm was done. Quiet night, but some premature bomb explosions took place in our trenches injuring 2 Officers amongst others. 1915– 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – COUIN Battalion moved 11am to Billets at COUIN. 2 Coys Working Parties. On this day 6th September:-
1857 - 52nd before Delhi; 340 men in hospital with fever. 1858 - 43rd engaged at Punghattee Pass (Indian Mutiny). 1915 – 2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI -TO TRENCHES AT GIVENCHY. In the afternoon relieved the 1/Queens in same section at GIVENCHY now renumbered B.3. A little bombing , but on whole a quiet night. 1915– 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – BUS Battalion in billets. |
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