1868 – 52nd – left Ireland for Malta.
1919 –1st Bn, OXF & BUCKS LI – NORTH RUSSIA.
Strength today :- Officers Other ranks.
H. Qrs. 12 -
“A” Coy. 7 165
“B” Coy. 8 161
“C” Coy. 7 145
“D” Coy. 7 191
239th T.M.B. 5 43
Total 46 708
1900 - 3 platoons “C” Coy. Meade and 1 platoon “D” Coy. De Vitre arrived from RIKASIKHA.
Hear that the SCLESWIG is not now available and the regiment will embark in the CLEAR and go in her as far as MURMANSK and tranship to SCHLESWIG.
1515 - Left RICKASHIKA rejoined Battalion 1830.
1958 - 1st Bn OXF & BUCKS LI (43rd & 52nd) – CYPRUS.
2nd Lieut. A. J. Davies completed Unit Fire Officers Course in Cyprus.
He was appointed Fire Officer.
Sixteen soldiers of the Regiment were confirmed by the Archbishop in Jerusalem.
A football match took place against 3 Royal Horse Artillery. Result, lost 4—1.
A hockey match took place against 1 Som. L.I. Result, lost 3—1.
A squash match took place against 2nd Grenadier Guards. Result, lost 3—2.
1960 – 1st GREEN JACKETS (43rd & 52nd) –KNOOK CAMP, WARMINSTER.
The C.I.G.S., Field Marshal Sir Francis Festing, G.C.B., K.B.E., D.S.O., M.C., visited the Regiment informally.
After inspecting a quarter guard found by H.Q. Company, he lunched in the officers' mess.
In the afternoon he walked round barracks visiting the Basic N.C.O's and W.T. Courses, the Gurkha band and band lines.
He was accompanied by his Military Assistant.
1965 – 1st GREEN JACKETS (43rd & 52nd) – MONTGOMERY BKS, BERLIN.
The Rt. Hon. Fred Mulley, M.P., Secretary of State for War, visited the Regiment and lunched with the officers.
Major M. M. V. W. Beak joined the Regiment from 2nd The Royal Green Jackets.