1759 - 43rd - Quebec surrendered - 43rd formed part of the garrison of occupation.
1828 – 43rd – Terrible epidemic broke out in the 43rd at Gibraltar.
1857 – 52nd – at Delhi.
1919 –1st Bn, OXF & BUCKS LI – NORTH RUSSIA.
Continued journey.
Passed EMETSKOE and got hung up on the Emtsa bar, where most of the convoy had stuck. Crossed the bar and tied up downstream to wait for the other ships.
One 3-inch gun and a platoon of “A” Coy. were sent off to engage the bolos who had come down to the mouth of the Vaga and were firing at Divna force barges.
These men returned at 1730 and the Convoy started at 1800 hrs.
0530 - Outpost withdrawn left SISCOE by barge 0830.
1919 –2nd Bn, OXF & BUCKS LI – CORK, IRELAND.
Lieut. L. W. G. Lome for dispersal.
Raid on Cork Examiner Offices, Lieut. A. S. Holiday with 20 men assisting the police.
The London Gazette of this date contained the following : "Lieut.-Colonel A. J. F. Eden, C.M.G., D.S.O., to be Colonel, seniority from 3.6.19."
1944 – 1st Airborne Divisional Defence Platoon incorporating members of 2nd (AB) Bn OXF & BUCKS LI - flew to ARNHEM.
Also serving with the Division were former Officers and Other Ranks of the Regiment including:-
Brigadier Lathbury (43rd) 1 Para Brigade
Major Haig (4th Bn & 52nd) Div Provost
Major Wallis (4th Bn) 2IC 2Para Bn
Major Tatham-Warter (52nd) OC A Coy 2Para Bn who was to be awarded D.S.O.
Captain Moy-Thomas (52nd) Staff Captain 1 Airlanding Brigade
Captain Robson (52nd) 1st Airlanding Brigade GSO3
Captain Blatch (Bucks) Glider Pilot Regiment who was to be awarded D.F.C.
Lieutenant Grayburn (43rd) A Coy 2Para Bn who was to win the Victoria Cross.
Lieutenant Eastwood (52nd) 21st Independent Parachute Company
A number of former 52nd soldiers were serving with Major “Freddie” Gough’s 1st Airborne Reconnaissance Squadron and Major “Boy” Wilsons 21st Independent Parachute Company
1957 - 1st Bn OXF & BUCKS LI (43rd & 52nd) – CYPRUS.
Captain A. S. Payne assumed command of Headquarter Company in the temporary absence of Major D. B. Fox.
Lieut. (Q.M.) A. J. Howland joined the Regiment and took over the M.T. Platoon.
1958 - 1st Bn OXF & BUCKS LI (43rd & 52nd) – CYPRUS.
Lieut. T. M. Hartley was appointed Intelligence Officer, Security Officer, and Civilian Labour Officer.
1963 – 1st GREEN JACKETS (43rd & 52nd) –BRUNEI.
Lieut. A. P. Whitfeld promoted Temporary Captain.