1807 – 52nd - Danish Expedition, 2nd Bn. 52nd engaged in the siege of COPENHAGEN.
1883 – 2nd Bn OXF LI – The New Equipment, consisting of a valise in which the great coat is packed, was issued to the Regiment.
1919 –1st Bn, OXF & BUCKS LI – NORTH RUSSIA.
0230 - Bolo Force (No 5 Coy. 156th Regt. assisted by HADJI MURAD’S Cavalry Squadron) attacked UST VAGA. Strength about 271.
Our garrison of UST VAGA consisted of 1 Coy 3/4th North Russian Rifles holding the perimeter, and 1 platoon and details 1st Oxf. & Bucks Lt. Infty. doing internal Guards.
Bolo’s got inside the perimeter and threw bombs into most of the rooms occupied by British Troops.
The troops turned out and turned the bolo’s out of the village after a stiff fight by 0900.
Our casualties – all British other ranks – 5 killed, 12 wounded. And 1 missing.
Enemy casualties known 14 killed, 8 prisoners (7 of these wounded)
The Bolo’s were reported by an agent to have taken 15 of their wounded away on horses.
0920 - Bolo force (No's 5, 6 8 & 9 Coy’s 155th Regt.) strength about 400 attacked MALA BERESNIK.
Attack broken up 200x from our wire.
16 bolos killed. 2 (wounded) taken prisoners.
Our casualties 2 British other ranks killed.
3 Russians No 8 Coy. 2/4 N.R.R. who were taken prisoners at UST VAGA and escaped from a point12 miles out, reported that bolo had about 15 wounded which he got away on horses. The Coy that attacked UST VAGA was No 5 Coy 156th Regt. supported by HADJI MURAD’S Cavalry about 200 strong. M.B. was attacked by 4,6,8, 9 companies strength about 400.
1500 - ½ No 3 platoon proceeded by road to LARRIENCA, other ½ to SHENCA in canoes.
1939 – 1st Bn OXF & BUCKS LI – COLCHESTER.
At the outbreak of war the Regiment was at Hyderabad Barracks, Colchester, where it received orders to mobilize on the 1st September, 1939.
1939 – 4th (TA) Bn OXF & BUCKS LI – OXFORD.
Orders received by telephone for the Battalion to embody.
Notices were immediately dispatched to all members of the Battalion.
1944 – 2nd (AB) Bn OXF & BUCKS LI – NORMANDY
Move started to the beaches - marching to start with, as the troop-carrying transport failed to materialize.
The night of the 1st September was spent at a transit camp at Ryes.
1949 – 1st Bn OXF & BUCKS LI (43rd & 52nd) – SOBRAON BKS, SALONIKA.
Brigade Officers Study Period. Subject, Defence in desert warfare.
The Divisional Commander was present.
Major-General H. Murray, c.b., d.s.o., visited the Regiment in the afternoon and dined in the Mess in the evening with a number of his staff officers.
1951 - 1st Bn OXF & BUCKS LI (43rd & 52nd) – CYPRUS.
Four destroyers of the Mediterranean Fleet arrived at Famagusta.
Regimental Route March — 8 miles, Band and Bugles on parade.
Battalion Training Period started.
1952 - 1st Bn OXF & BUCKS LI (43rd & 52nd) – SUEZ.
Lieut.-Colonel P. G. F. Young, O.B.E., arrived from England to take command of the Regiment.