1815 - 52nd - in pursuit of the French after Waterloo, reached Binche.
XII Corps Horse Show.
1917 – 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – OUTPOST LINE K26Central to K14c3.9
Battn in Line –
The day was fairly quiet.
Enemy artillery not so active as usual.
Usual amount of enemy movement observed.
Inter Company relief carried out.
D Coy Relieving B Coy on Right Front
A Coy Relieving C Coy on Left Front.
Enemy aeroplanes more active than usual.
2 patrols went out with following objects:-
1. To examine WIRE across road at K20g 05.65
2. To Reconnoitre TRENCH about K20c8.3
Both accomplished object without interruption.
Weather: Fine and Warm
Ration Strength: 22 Officers 605 OR.
1944 - 2nd (Airborne) Bn, Oxf & Bucks LI – ST COME.
At 0400 hrs Maj Favell was killed while inspecting his company positions, by a shell.
Capt Priday assumed command of "B" Coy.
Commanding officer received orders from Brigade to move to a new location for a rest at LE MESNIL 134726, the Regiments position being taken over by 12 DEVON.
The Regiment less 'D' Coy moved out at 1800 hrs & reached its position at 2000 hrs. Digging was immediately commenced to improve the positions, particularly with regard to overhead cover.
This position was certainly much more restful than the last although almost continuous if intermittent shelling and mortaring was occurring on the surrounding area.
Letter D Coy moved to position at orchard 132741.