1812 - 43rd - joined Wellington's Army at Alva prior to the march on Salamanca.
1882 – 1st Bn Oxf LI – “Horse Gurads G.O. No 252 of 1882” was received and contained the following announcement:-
“Her Majesty has been graciously pleased to approve of the undermentioned Regiments of Cavalry and Line Battalions of regiments of Infantry being permitted to bear on their Standards, Colours, or Appointments, respectively, in commemoration of the gallant behaviour of the Corps specified, when engaged in operations in South Africa during the years 1835, 1846 and 1847, and 1851, 1852 and 1853, the words SOUTH AFRICA,
Followed by the date of the operations in which they took part:
The Oxfordshire Light Infantry (43rd Foot), “1851-2-3.”
1916 –2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – MAILLY MAILLET.
In billets and on working parties.
64th Reinforcement of 43 other ranks joined for duty.
1916 – 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – Front Line Trenches at LE SARS
Battn in Trenches.
LE SARS & DESTREMONT FARM & OG1 & OG2 shelled with 10.5cm & 15cm shells at intervals during the day.
At 11.45pm 2ndLT J.D.TUCKER & 2 OR left the CHALK PIT (M.15.g.2.8) & worked Eastwards along GALLWITZ TRENCH, locating two enemy posts at about M.9.c.75.55. & M.9.d.15.60.
2ndLT JOHNSTONE & 2 OR left SCOTLAND TRENCH & explored the small wood at M.10.c.95.15 to about M.10.c.6.7.
On moving Westwards a party of about 30 of the enemy were discovered repairing their wire about M.10.c. 6.7.
During the night 5 men of the 64th R.I.R. were taken prisoners.
1916 – 1/4th Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – Moved to Reserve area near Martinpuich.
1958 - The Regiment became 1st Green Jackets, 43rd & 52nd.
New cap badges were taken into use.
Private soldiers were now styled Rifleman.