1798 - 52nd - after 15 years in India arrived at Chatham; strength 18 Officers, and 166 rank and file.
1916 –2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – MONTAUBAN.
Quiet day.
Night 7/8th the vicinity of Brigade and regimental Headquarters was very unpleasantly shelled for 5 hours.
1916 – 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – DOMLEGER
Battn in billets.
Range Practice at AGENVILLE – newly joined drafts from D & B firing.
1944 - 2nd (Airborne) Bn, Oxf & Bucks LI – BREVILLE & AMFREVILLE
Nothing more was seen of the enemy in the LONGUEMARE X rds area last night, but today our patrols found seven entrenching tools and a German FS Cap in the area where the enemy had been reported digging yesterday evening. Mortar bomb craters were also seen in the area and it is thought that our mortar fire caused the enemy to retire in some haste. During the day we suffered 5 casualties from enemy mortar and arty fire.
1944 – 1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – OUISTREHAM -Normandy
0800 - 'A' Coy took over new posns and 'D' Coy took over YORK BRIDGE as arranged.
All coys now committed operationally except half of 'D' Coy which is resting and cleaning up.
AM - No shelling during morning.
1300 - Hinted by senior chaplain 7 Base Sub-Area that Ronnie Dix, our Padre, may be called to take up the post of Vicar of CAEN in the English Church there.
1500 - Comd Offr and Adjt visited Col Carse in 6 Cdn Hsptl LA DELIVRANDE. Quite fit and well himself but will not be fit for duty for approx five weeks and will probably be evacuated to England within a few days.
A further 23 men went off to 1 Corps Leave Camp at MOUDINEAUX 969802. Reports from last lot were excellent - a soldier's paradise with no parades!