1815 - Capitulation of Paris.
1916 –2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – VILLERS-AU-BOIS
11.30am – Our Trench Mortars registered.
1.15pm – In retaliation for our Trench Mortar fire enemy fired a few rounds at Regimental Headquarters.
Casualties: Killed = 1 (the sentry). Wounded = 1 (9694 Pte Tustain, Officers Mess).
1916 – 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – COUIN
Battalion in Huts.
At 10.15am BUCKS BATTN marched to bivouacs between COIGNEUX and SAILLY AU BOIS
1944 - 2nd (Airborne) Bn, Oxf & Bucks LI – BREVILLE.
At 0145 hrs Lt Bulford with an ambush patrol shot up a suspected enemy post at hedge junc 144744 but was unable to ascertain what casualties he had inflicted. It has been a fine day and most of the mud has dried up. The enemy shelled and mortared our posns during the day but we suffered no casualties. Lt Scott went out on patrol with two of 'C' Coy and shot one of the enemy - the first for a long time. Coys have been sending sections at a time for short marches around the Div area - this has made a pleasant change from life in and around a slit trench.