1827 – 43rd – Occupation of Portugal, 43rd quartered at Barro.
1914 - 4th (T.F.) Bn. Oxf & Bucks LI - mobilized at Oxford;
1914 - Bucks Bn (T.F.) mobilised at Aylesbury and proceeded to Cosham, Hants.
1917 – 2nd Bn OXF & BUCKS LI – LE PREOL.
83rd Reinforcement (6 Buglers) joined.
The regiment attended a special Inter denomination Service which the Rev E M Guilford B A C F attached to the Regiment assisted in the 2/Division Theatre – Le Quesnoy.
1917–1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – DAMBRE CAMP (B27 d)
(MAP REFERENCES -28 N.W.1/20,000 ST JULIEN 1/10,000)
Battn in camp and in LINE
Battalion relieved the 1/1HERTS REGT & CHESHIRE REGT of 39TH DIVISION in the line during the afternoon taking over the following dispositions
BN HQ C22.b.70.45
A Coy HQ C.22.b.55.55. 4 platoons in trench CALIBAN RESEVE
B Coy HQ C.22.b.9.3 3 platoons in trench CALIBAN RESEVE 1 CALIFORNIA SUPPORT
C Coy HQ CANAL BANK together with Coy
D Coy HQ CHEDDAR VILLA C.17.c with 2 platoons. 1 platoon CALIFORNIA DRIVE, 1 platoon FALKENHAYN REDOUBT C.17.c.3.5
Weather fine.
Relief completed with one casualty 2LT DIPPLE wounded
Ration Strength 25 Officers 918 OR
1917 – 1/4th (TF) Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – To Front Line along STEENBEEK.
1928 - 4th Bn Oxf & Bucks LI - Annual Camp – SWANAGE.
1928 - Buckinghamshire Battalion - Annual Camp – SWANAGE.
1934 – Buckinghamshire Battalion – Annual Camp – MARLBOROUGH.
1934 – 4th Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – Annual Camp – MARLBOROUGH.
1944 - 2nd (Airborne) Bn, Oxf & Bucks LI – BREVILLE & AMFREVILLE
During the night a heavy mortar conc and a number of shells fell in the Regtl area, only one slight casualty was incurred. Lt.Col. Roberts left the Regt this afternoon to start the Div Battle Drill School at Ouistreham. Major M. Darrell Brown has assumed comd for the period of his absence. One more casualty was incurred from enemy mortar fire during the day.
1944 – 1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – OUISTREHAM -Normandy
0800 - Shelling of area chiefly round the docks - no military damage or casualties suffered. About 20 shells fired.
1000 - Our own 3" mortars ranged on their DF tasks - no recriminations encountered.
1030 - Informed by our QMS at Echelon that amendment No 4 to WE has been published although we have not yet received it, and makes provision for a Captain in the Mortar Pl: Mortar Officer Lieut Johnston accordingly promoted to Capt in ROs.
PM - No decision yet taken regarding the appointing of a new commanding officer. Major Boehm meanwhile carries on as locum tenans.
1948 – 1st Bn Oxf & Bucks LI - 52nd Amalgamating Cadre joined the Regiment under command of Major H. P. Patterson