1868 - 52nd arrived at Malta.
1915 – 2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI -VERMELLES.
Little signs could be seen of the enemy’s infantry opposite us.
A quiet morning.
In the afternoon the enemy shelled our trenches heavily both with heavy and light artillery but did us no harm. The line we occupied was that of gun emplacements where eight field guns were captured by the 7th Division on 25h September.
The line required a good deal of deepening but the presence of many good deep shelters afforded a certain amount of safe cover.
The companies had been distributed as follows:-
B & D companies in Gun Trench (G.18. b. 46. – G.12.d.55)
A Company (only 70 men) in a Support trench 120 yards in rear.
C Company (100 strong) in Reserve in German 1st Line trench (G.17.b.57 – G.11.d.61)
References to Trench Map Sheet 36c N.W.3 and part 1.
Casualties: Killed = 2. Wounded = 3.
1915– 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – COUIN
Battalion in Billets.