1809 - 52nd - arrived off Lisbon and proceeded in boats up the Tagus to Vallada.
1900 – 1st Bn Oxf LI Mounted Infantry – engaged at Elandsfontein, 1 officer and 3 men wounded. (Boer War).
1917 – 2nd Bn OXF & BUCKS LI – BETHUNE.
1917 – 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – OUTPOST LINE K26Central to K14c3.9 .
Battn in Line –
Enemy Artillery and our own were normal.
Rather more movement than usual was seen.
Enemy TM (Trench Mortar) rather more active. 2 “Blue Prawns” fell in Post R9 no damage was done.
Machine Guns of both Normal.
Usual Defensive Patrols sent out.
Ration Strength: 22 Officers 643 OR
1944 - 2nd (Airborne) Bn, Oxf & Bucks LI – BREVILLE.
The Commando raid took place in the area of LONGUEMARE from 0300 hrs to 0400 hrs and was very successful.
The Regiments mortars put up a concentration as part of the initial preparation.
The day passed very quietly, letter B Coy sent out patrols to the area of the previous nights Commando raid but found everything quiet and no enemy about.
1963 – lst Green Jackets, 43rd and 52nd -Army Order 34/1963-Change to Rifle Regiment.
Her Majesty the Queen has been graciously pleased to approve that the lst Green Jackets,43rd and 52nd, shall henceforth be a Rife Regiment.