1808 - 52nd - on outpost duty near Torres Vedras (Portugal).
1812 – 52nd – Quartered at Getafe near Madrid.
1914 – Retreat from Mons – 2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI-
1916 –2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – BUS-LES-ARTOIS.
To Courcelles au Bois on relief by the 17th Royal Fusiliers.
1 Company (B) left at disposal of 17th Royal Fusiliers.
1 Company (D) to Elles Square and Fort Horstead.
T/Major C S Baines D.S.O. rejoined from 2/6th Royal Warwickshire Regt and assumed the duties of Senior Major.
1916 – 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – SENLIS CROSSROADS
Battn in bivouacs.
At 6.30am the Battn marched to huts at BUS arriving there at 9.10am.
Later in the morning the 145 Inf Bde moved to the same place.
1944 – 2nd (AB) Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – FOULBEC -Normandy:-
News has been received that the Regt will be proceeding back to ENGLAND on 2 Sep. Today has been spent issuing men with new clothing and getting them bathed and generally cleaned up. There was a slight scare that the enemy were preparing boats to cross the river to BERVILLE SUR MER from which all British tps had been withdrawn. 'A' Coy had a mobile pl ready to deal with any emergency, but nothing came of it.
1944 – 1st Buckinghamshire Battalion (Normandy):-
AM - Balance of 'S' Coy personnel transferred to HQ Coy. 'S' Coy books and affairs wound up. 2 - 3 tonners on loan to Airborne Div return. All our dvrs less carrier dvrs are now back with us which means a further 13 available for drafting! 'HQ' Coy now consists of Bn HQ, Sigs Pl, Adm Pl (incl Carrier and A tk remnants), Pnr Pl.
PM - Standing Orders for Bn while at PLANET issued. Definite news received of death of Capt J.A. Hope in action while serving with 7 Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. Capt Hope was first offr to be drafted when 'A' Coy went complete less its HQ on 13 Aug. He was killed on 17 Aug during an advance on ST JULIAN. Full details are not available but it seems that fairly heavy casualties were suffered by 'A' Coy in the attack.