1815 -1st Bn. 52nd left Plymouth for the Waterloo campaign.
1915 - 2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI- Breatworks Subsection C.1. FESTUBERT – LE PLANTIN.
Some shelling on the Right of breastwork.
2 Platoons of A Coy 7th London Regt (T) attached to Regiment.
Casualties: Wounded 1.
1945 - 2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – BRAMBERGHOF.
All day at BRAMBERGHOF. Strength of coy's, several more glider loads having turned up, in addition to transport parties is as follows:- "A" 4 & 76 "B" 2 & 62 "C" 3 & 67 "D" 3 & 76 "S" 6 & 96. The day gave an opportunity for a bit of rest & maintenance. In the afternoon the Cameronians arrived once more to take over from us. We had to remain at an hours notice to move, but owing to the crowding of the roads, the move was repeatedly postponed.