1814 - 43rd and 52nd - Battle of Orthes.
1900 - 1st Bn Oxf LI - present at the surrender of Cronje and 4,072 Boers at Paardeberg, after 9 days, investment.
1917 –2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – DYKE VALLEY.
The Regiment relieved the 2nd Bn Highland Light Infantry in the forward position; A and B companies were established in the new front line, consisting of GALLWITZ SWITH TRENCH on the Right and the line of posts on the Left extending to the outskirts of PYS, including the Cemetery.
D company (Support) in GRUNDY TRENCH.
C Company (Reserve) in shelters about Regimental Headquarters in AQUEDUCT ROAD.
Relief effected with difficulty owing to darkness and completed at 3.20am.
1917 – 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – Bn in BDE Support
Bn in BDE Support (Nr BOIS ACHILLE). –
Quiet Day. 2 Coys on Working Parties.
Relieved 1/5 GLOSTERS in Front Line in evening. Relief complete at 11.30pm.
1st DIV on Right. 1/4 R BERKS on Left.
Our Artillery bombarded enemy’s Front & Support Lines at 1am.
Strong patrols sent out to ascertain if enemy’s Front Line was occupied. - Found to be so.
1917 – 5th (S)Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – returned to trenches.
1945 - 1st Buckinghamshire Battalion - informed that it was to be a T Force.