1776 - Engagement at Brook Lyne, long Island (America).
1914 – 2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI - Retreat from Mons
1917 – 2nd Bn OXF & BUCKS LI – LE PREOL.
Bathing and Cleaning up.
Number 4 Company, 20th Bn Portuguese Expeditionary Force was attached to the Regiment and split up by platoons among A, C and D Companies.
1917–1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – DAMBRE CAMP B27d
Heavy rain during night, making ground very muddy & operations most difficult.
Further Showers throughout morning.
144 Inf Bde attacked on Left of Divl front & 143 Inf Bde on Right each with 2 Battns.
145 Inf Bde in Reserve until Zero +5.
11th Div cooperating on Left – 61st Div on Right.
143 Inf Bde –
1st Objective- RED dotted line (WINNIPEG – SPRINGFIELD)
Pause for 30 minutes
2nd Objective – Solid RED line (Southern portion on GHELUVELT – LANGEMARCK line) (including GENOA)
144 Inf Bde –
Objective – N Portion of GHELUVELT – LANGEMARK line)
145 Inf Bde
Objective – Dotted BLUE line - Line of farms - Von Tirpitz STROPPE – HUBNER
1/4 R BERKS & 1/4 OXFORDS to leave CANAL BANK at Zero & move to assembly positions E of STEENBEEK & to be ready to carry out attack on 3rd objective (Dotted BLUE line) at Zero +5 hours.
1/5 GLOSTERS & 1ST BUCKS BN to leave CANAL BANK at Zero +3 hours & move to assembly positions vacated by 1/4 R BERKS & 1/4 OXFORDS respectively.
145 Inf Bde HQ at Zero – HILL TOP
Head of Battn marching by platoons passed CANAL BANK at Zero+3hours -4.45pm
Shelling of back areas wonderfully slight.
STEENBEEK & ground between that stream & ST JULIEN – TRIANGLE FARM road was being heavily shelled when we arrived.
Battn HQ arrived at MON DU HIBOU about 6.30pm.
Situation very obscure – So far as could be ascertained from 1/4 OXFORD, 1/7 WORCESTERS & 1/8 WORCESTERS (all of whom had their HQ at HIBOU) very little if any progress had been made. This being due largely to state of ground which was in most places up to knees in mud. & shell holes far worse.
As 1/4 OXFORDS had not vacated these assembly trenches, Coys were ordered to halt on line 300 E of STEENBEEK & dig in and find any available cover.
At 9.55pm SPRINGFIELD was reported to have been taken by 1/8 WORCESTERS. This proved correct.
With the ground in this state it was decided that further progress was not possible.
About midnight orders were received to the effect that the OXFORDS were to take over from the advanced troops of 144 Inf Bde & that we were to move into the positions vacated by the OXFORDS.
These positions were in most cases difficult to find & Coys dug themselves in from Left Divisional boundary S+E of Road LANGEMARCK – XROADS C.6.c8.6 – HILLOCK FARM.
KILLED=12. WOUNDED =21. MISSING =NIL. WOUNDED=8 (slightly remained at duty)
Strength of Battn (bayonets) before going into action 27.8.17
Officers ORs
Bn HQ 6 35
A Coy 2 62
B Coy 2 70
C Coy 2 72
D Coy 2 85
1917 – 1/4th (TF) Bn, Oxf & Bucks LI – THE TRIANGLE.
Final preparations in morning.
Moved at 1.55 pm. – Zero hour – from canal bank by INFANTRY ROUTE 4, in accordance with ORDER NO 245 of 145 INF. BDE., by which the battalion should come into support to the attacking battalions – 1/7th and 1/8th WORCESTERS – of 144 INF. Bde.
Between Zero plus 3 and Zero plus 4 hours, occupying their assembly positions in the TRIANGLE – C6c – and remain out of fighting until they had obtained objective, E of LANGEMARCK line. Then to advance through to take up line through FLORA COTTAGE and HUBNER FARM to STROPPE FARM..
Reached assembly area soon after 4 pm. with very few casualties although having to pass through a hostile barrage scattered over 700 to 800 yards.
5PM - At 5 pm. each company reported in position or digging in.
Dispositions: Right front A company; centre, “B”; Left, “C”; support, “D” company; Battalion headquarters in concrete blockhouse N.E. of MON DU HIBOU.
6PM - About 6 pm. the 1/1st Bucks Bn. came into support also behind and close to our front
Attacking battalions reported on our arrival, that advance was held up by SPRINGFIELD in Right flank battalion’s area.
Captured at 6.30 pm. with cooperation of a “tank” Concrete buildings in vicinity of VANCOUVER holding centre.
We established liaison at dusk with WARWICHSHIRE REGT on Right and 9th Bn WEST YORKSHIRE REGT on Left; latter with 1/4th Bn. ROYAL BERKS on Right.
After a bright morning afternoon was dull and showery.
Misty rain fell from 5 pm. To dusk.
Night chilly with rising wind.
Ground very heavy.
1944 – 2nd (AB) Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – FOULBEC -Normandy:-
A quiet day. Lt Scott and Capt Thompson (F.O.O. Lt Arty) swam across the RIVER RISLE and collected 7 PW. 'A' Coy took over the defence of the village of CONTEVILLE 6817 from one coy of the 12 DEVONS.
1944 – 1st Buckinghamshire Battalion (Normandy):-
At 1000 hrs on the 27th August the last draft departed.
The last parade of the Battalion, which was formed after the losses at Dunkirk, took place in a field adjoining the orchard at Plumetot, in which Battalion headquarters had been established.
Complete disbandment was the fate of many good battalions at this time in face of the urgent need for reinforcements and the Battalion was fortunate in being left a cadre from which a new battalion could be built. Moreover, the men who were about to leave were to join a famous division with the promise that they would be employed in the roles for which they had been trained. Many were the reports received during the coming months showing that the 1st Buckinghamshire Battalion was respected in the Highland division.
0900 - 6 ORs plus cook sent on to PLANET as Adv party.
1000 - Tpt for move laid on with 11 L of C in view of lack of own tpt on loan to Airborne Div.
1030 - Drafts for 51 Div depart. This draft consists of most of the old 'originals' of the Bn from pre-war Territorial days and is a very sad day for the Bn. They all go off in good heart nevertheless. Total drafts to date amount to 16 Offrs and 504 ORs.
1400 - Comds conference. Details of move given out verbally. In view of lack of tpt a shuttle service has to be run, so Bn must start early. Present available tpt amounts to 8 - 15 cwts and 10 - 3 tonners (on loan from 11 L of C).
1800 - All our 15 cwts (12 in all) return from Airborne Div.