1852- 43rd - Loss of the Birkenhead off Danger Point, South Africa; the 43rd had a draft of 1 Officer, 1 Sjt., and 40 rank and file on board, of whom only 1 Officer (Lieut. Girirdot) and 14 rank and file were saved.
1916 – 2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – L 32.d.
3.30pm the regiment marched to LILLERS and there entrained for NOEUX-LES-MINES from whence it marched (2 miles) into billets at PETIT-SAINS.
1916 – 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – HEBUTERNE
9PM. Battalion in Trenches.
Quiet Day.
Some Snow. Trenches Very Wet.