1813 - The Light Division moving towards Salamanca and driving Joseph Buonaparte from Portugal to the Pyrenees.
1906 – 1st Bn Oxf LI —The following Order regarding Dress was published in Regimental Orders :--
" The wearing of Chevrons gold, and Chevrons and Badges worsted, on khaki clothing will be discontinued from the 25th instant. Chevrons, and badges of rank, and Good Conduct badges of the ' lace ' or ' drab ' pattern will be worn on khaki clothing; the wearing of chevrons and badges worsted being restricted to white and serge clothing."
1916 –2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – DIVION.
In Billets.
Just before dawn information received that the regiment would be at 1 hours notice to move from 8am.
This by reason of heavy bombardment by enemy of Right Division (47th) of 4th Corps and line to the South of it, resulting in some loss of trenches by 47th Division and by 25th Division (17th Corps) and move forward of the reserve division (less 5th Infantry Brigade) i.e 6th and 99th Infantry brigades of 2nd Division. No further news.
1916 – 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – BEAUVAL
Battalion in Billets
Coys Training.