1813 - The Light Division moving towards Salamanca and driving Joseph Buonaparte from Portugal to the Pyrenees.
1915 - 2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – RAIMBERT
All the Regiment were bathed in an excellent washing establishment in one of the mines.
The following Officers joined for duty:
Capt C G HIGGENS (Wounded 16th September 1914)
Lieut R M OWEN (Wounded 14th September 1914)
Lieut P F NEWTON-KING (Wounded 21st September 1914)
2nd Lieut P C WEBSTER (3rd Brigade)
1915 – 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – ROMARIN
Bn in Billets. Resting.
Relieve 5/GLOSTERS in trenches 8pm.
2 men Wounded during relief.