1858 - 43rd present - Second engagement at Kirwee (India).
1899 - 1st Bn Oxf LI - left England for South Africa.(Boer War).
1915 – 2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI –ANNEQUIN (N). – CUINCHY A1 SECTION
Major Sir R CODRINGTON Bart and Lieutenant the Hon S G PELHAM, both of 11th Hussars left after attachment for instruction in trench warfare since 16th.
T/Capt C A F FOWKE detailed on orders received from 2nd Division for transfer to 5th Battalion and left today.
10am – Regiment commenced relief of Glasgow Highlanders in A1 Section.
Companies distributed as follows:
1 company (3 platoons in trenches South of main LA BASSEE road, 1 platoon in STAFFORD redoubt)
1 company in trenches North of road and 1 platoon in PARK LANE redoubt:
1 company (Headquarters and 2 platoons in CUINCHY Support Point and 2 platoons at BRADDEL Point:
Headquarters and 1 company in HARLEY Street.
Enemy very quiet all this period, though our artillery very active every day and with organised bombardments at infrequent hours on nights of 24th/25th and 25th/26th.
1915– 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – HEBUTERNE
Relieved by 6th GLOSTERS about 2pm.
Battalion marched to billets via Corduroy path & JENA.
1944 – 2nd (AB) Bn Oxf & Bucks LI
Just when the Regiment was preparing for Christmas dinners orders were received to reinforce the front in Europe against the German offensive in the Ardennes which came to be known as the Rundstedt Rush.
The advanced party under Major Edmunds left Tilbury on the 22nd December.