1858 - Second engagement at Kirwee (India) - 43rd present.
1899 - 1st Bn Oxf LI left England for South Africa.
1914 – 2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI 22nd/23rd DECEMBER 1914 – BAILLEUL to LA COUTURE – 14 Miles
The whole Brigade was moved in motor buses starting about midnight and going round by HAZEBROUCK and MERVILLE. Several buses took wrong roads and others broke down temporarily, so that it was nearly midday on the 23rd before we were in our billets at LA COUTURE.
1944 – 2nd (AB) Bn Oxf & Bucks LI
Just when the Regiment was preparing for Christmas dinners orders were received to reinforce the front in Europe against the German offensive in the Ardennes which came to be known as the Rundstedt Rush.
The advanced party under Major Edmunds left Tilbury on the 22nd December.