1808 - 1st Bn. 43rd - joined Sir John Moore's Army at Mayorga.
1852 - 43rd engaged at Berea (Kaffir War).
1915 – 2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI –Trenches CUINCHY A2.
5pm – Relieved by 2/HLI and to billets at ANNEQUIN (N).
2nd Lieutenant H J ELLAM joined from Artists Rifles on first appointment.
Casualties: 1 man killed.
1915– 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – HEBUTERNE
Battalion in Trenches.
Two MINNIES fell in Left Coys lines. Very Good reprisals on our part.
Patrol of 2 Officers & 24 NCOs & men went out to reoccupy Z Hedge under CAPT COMBES. One MG taken.
At 8pm 3 parties of Germans were seen about 20 yards away. We opened fire with MGs & rifle fire & 2 men were seen to fall. Germans retired. Casualties 1 CPL of 18 LIVERPOOLS