1807 – 52nd - Danish Expedition, 2nd Bn. 52nd engaged in the siege of Copenhagen.
1883 – 2nd Bn Oxf LI – The New Equipment, consisting of a valise in which the great coat is packed, was issued to the Regiment.
1917 – 2nd Bn OXF & BUCKS LI – CAMBRIN.
The Regiment was holding the Right Battalion front of the canal (or Centre) Section of the 2nd Divisional Front with A Coy in the area Posts 15-21 with Headquarters in Old Kent Tunnel, B Coy next on its right including the Mill Defences with Headquarters at the Junction of the Lane with Town Reserve Trench and C Coy thence to No7 a Ipswich Post inclusive. D Coy had withdrawn to billets in Le Preol on relief by A coy on the night 31 Aug/1 Sept taking its attached Portuguese Platoon (of No4 Coy 20th Battalion) with it.
6PM. The 1st period of attachment of No4 Company, 20th battalion CEP officially ended and this unit was returned to its billets in Beuvry.
1917–1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – ROAD CAMP ST JAN TER BIEZEN.
Baths for 250 men during morning at HOUTERQUE.
Coys at disposal of OC Coys for 2 hours collective training.
Ration Strength 17 Officers 591 OR
1917 – 1/4th (TF) Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – At ST JAN TER BIEZEN (Ypres)
1917 – 5th (S) Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – To NEUVE EGLISE area.
1917 – 7th (S) Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – To SMOL HILL on relief. (Salonika).
1944 – 2nd (AB) Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – Normandy
Move started to the beaches - marching to start with, as the troop-carrying transport failed to materialize.
The night of the 1st September was spent at a transit camp at Ryes.