At 8.30am orders received to march at 11am to VERMELLES a distance of 8 miles (3 hours).
At 8pm the Regiment started to march up along the HULLOCH ROAD past the old British 1st Line trenches into the German 1st Line and on to a line, GUN TRENCH G.18.b.4.6. – G.12.d.5.5. (Reference Trench Map 36c N.W. sheet 3 and part of 1) in relief of the 2/Royal Scots Fusiliers (21st Brigade). Owing to the distance being 3 miles and many delays, the relief did not actually commence until 2am.
This part of the line was captured by the 7th Division during the recent fighting.
1915– 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – COUIN
Battalion in Billets. – Coy Training. Working parties.
1918 - 2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI - Battle of the Canal du Nord.