1808 - 2nd Bn.43rd and 2nd Bn. 52nd landed in Portugal.
1897 – 1st Bn Oxf LI – Moved to Curragh
1917 – 2nd Bn OXF & BUCKS LI – LE PREOL.
Quartermaster & Hon Lt Warnock was transferred to England sick.
1917–1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – DAMBRE CAMP B27d
(Map-Belgium sheet 28 NW 1/20000)
Coys resting & reorganising.
Baths during morning.
Church Parade for 1/5 GLOSTERS & ourselves at 3pm.
Brigadier General attended & read following letter from Divn Commander-
“In case the exigencies of the service prevent me visiting your battalions to-day, please tell them that I appreciate very much the stubborn and determined fighting spirit shown by you, and your officers and men, in the battle on the 16th. Although the fortunes of war, in the form of concrete shelters and an unexpectedly strong preliminary position, prevented us from gaining more than a portion of the objectives we want, we made a very valuable improvement to our position for future progress. Besides the capture of over 100 prisoners, very severe loss was inflicted on the Germans, one small field gun and several machine guns were captured.
“It is not the mere capture of positions which is going to bring us the final victory, but the determined fighting, in spite of all difficulties, like that of the Bucks Battalion, which shows the enemy that he is beaten and cannot hope to beat us and must give in.
“I have the fullest confidence in your Brigade, and know that they will continue to fight with the same spirit with which they have always done, in spite of difficulties.--
92 OR who had been left at Divl reinforcement camp at HOUTERQUE rejoined Battn, together with CAPT J B HALES & 2/LT P A COATES.
CAPT CROUCH rejoined Battn from hospital.
1917 – 6th (S) Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – By rail & road to SUEZ CAMP, POPERINGHE.
1944 - 2nd (Airborne) Bn, Oxf & Bucks LI – GONNEVILLE & MERVILLE.
We were ordered to send a detachment consisting of two Coy gps under comd Major M. Darrell Brown, D.S.O. to take over from 3 Commando at VARAVILLE. This was accomplished without incident.
1944 – 1st Buckinghamshire Battalion (Normandy):-
1000 - Lt D.J.D. Defriez attached to 1 Corps as L.O. (semi-permanent).
1100 - Lt Col Boehm goes to HQ Airborne to try and sort out the tpt question - can get no real satisfaction.
General Gale, Comd 6 Airborne Div officially applies to 1 Corps to use our Mortar Pl and Carrier Pl complete in an operational role.
1300 - OC Mortar Pl and Carrier Pl warned accordingly to stand by.
1500 - Offr from GSD 1 Corps arrived to say we were to supply 10 - 3 tonners and 3 - 15 cwts to 7 Armd Div at once. Explained that all our 3 tonners were with Airborne which caused some surprise. GSD branch did not seem to be quite in the picture and are the odd lap or so behind. Agreed to send 2 - 3 tonners and 3 - 15 cwts immediately, and GSD said he would arrange for the return of our remaining 3 - tonners from Airborne.
1910 - Further visit by Col Boehm to HQ Airborne. AQMG promised to get 3 - tonners back. Still no news as to our future role.
2000 - Further message received from DDOS 1 Corps saying all eqpt and all vehs less 10 to be handed in. This is becoming quite a habit now, but we still have not handed anything in!