1775 - Battle of Bunker Hill (America) 43rd and 52nd engaged.
1815 – 52nd – Started at 2am, reached Waterloo and remained in bivouac in a ploughed field in heavy rain.
1907 – 2nd Bn Oxf LI – Mills-Burrowe’s equipment taken into wear.
The Regiment was employed on Working Parties chiefly round WILLERVAL NORTH STRONG POINT and in TOMMY TRENCH.
1917 – 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – OUTPOST LINE K26Central to K14c3.9
Battn in Line –
Enemy Artillery fairly quiet the usual places being shelled occasionally.
Movement of enemy observed was normal.
Weather: Fine and Warm.
Ration Strength: 20 Officers 575 OR
1941 – 6th Bn Oxf & Bucks LI - embarked on Empire Pride bound for India.
1944 – 1st Bn Oxf & Bucks LI:-
The marching troops left on the 17th June under Major G. D. Jephson, M.C., for a marshalling area at Bolney, Sussex. Ready for deployment in Normandy.
1944 - 2nd (Airborne) Bn, Oxf & Bucks LI – ST COME.
We were given a warning of a possible attack from Brigade.
At 0430 hrs ENEMY commenced mortar & shell fire on our area. Both mortar & gun positions were actively engaged by our Artillery & mortars.
At 0600 hrs a tank & Self Propelled gun attack developed from CUVERVILLE towards ESCOVILLE and HEROUVILLETTE, the SP guns firing on those villages and our positions. Small arms fire was directed at our positions from the EAST, SOUTH and NE but the attack did not develop and the tanks withdrew towards CUVERVILLE at 0930 hrs after being engaged by our Artillery.
Unit patrol areas were extended by Brigade to (1) 2 Oxf Bucks - Chateau 156742 (2) 1 RUR - area rd 147749 - 153746, the tasks being to accurately fix ENEMY positions and strength.
1944 – 1st Buckinghamshire Battalion - NORMANDY
D Company, the reserve working company, was moved to Ouistreham, where it combined the duties of a reserve to C Company and the administration of Moon assembly area, a transit area used for the passage of troops and vehicles to the line.