1863 - Field-Marshal Lord Seaton died.
1917 – 2nd Bn OXF & BUCKS LI
During the afternoon several cellars, in which A Coy were, were blown in by shell fire and the company was moved to a dugout in the SUNKEN ROAD.
Casualties: Killed 5. Wounded 4. Missing 1.
1917 - 17th/18th APRIL 1917 – 2nd Bn OXF & BUCKS LI
B Coy relieved C Coy which was moved to dugouts in OUSE TRENCH or cellars in Northern outskirts of BAILLEUL.
Casualties (18th) Wounded 1.
1917 – 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – OUTPOSTS X TRACKS F4d99 TOMBOIS FARM F17b88
At 7.30am Germans were seen over ridge in F.6.a in 6 waves, apparently for counter attack.
Artillery fire was brought to bear on them, but they did not reappear from hollow into which they had descended.
At 7am a patrol of 1 platoon sent out from TOMBOIS FARM to reconnoitre road running from the FARM to PETIT PRIEL FARM, found the latter unoccupied.
A message to this effect was immediately sent back & the 1/5 WARWICKS sent troops to relieve us in that position about 12.30pm.
Another patrol sent out by A Coy from the old Outpost Line to reconnoitre road running through F.10.a & F.4.c found CATELET COPSE unoccupied.
Word was at once sent to nearest post of 1/5 R WARWICKS who at once sent out men to occupy it.
It would appear that the enemy withdrew from PETIT PRIEL FARM & CATELET COPSE at dawn, on hearing that they has lost TOMBOIS FARM.
TOMBOIS FARM & road running from the FARM to LEMPIRE were shelled intermittently causing some casualties.
At 5am Germans were reported to be holding trench in F.17.b.
At 6pm a bombing party was sent down the trench towards this point but could find no trace of enemy.
Battn relieved by 1/5 GLOSTERS after dark & proceeded to camp SW of ST EMILE abt E29 b64.
CAPT R GREGSON-ELLIS died in Field ambulance of wound received previous night.
2LT H J PULLMAN took over temporary command of D Coy.
Ration Strength 16 Officers 577 OR.
1945 – 1st Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – North West Europe
Night attack began at 0030 hrs on the 17th. A Company secured the start line without incident and C Company moved forward with a half-squadron of Crocodiles and attacked a group of houses wherein all the Germans surrendered as quietly as possible.
D Company advanced through them without opposition and A Company did another leapfrog attack on to a cemetery. The slight opposition encountered was silenced by Bren fire and a flame-throwing Crocodile.
B Company finally moved up on to a ridge above Verden and the 1st Highland Light Infantry moved into the town without resistance. By tea time the Regiment too was in Verden. During the day 112 prisoners were taken.
1945 - 2nd (Airborne) Bn, Oxf & Bucks LI - NWE Kahlstorf
Vehicle movement heard early in the morning.
On the whole a quiet day.
One or two salvoes of Moaning Minnie.