1857 - 52nd - engaged in severe street fighting in DELHI.
1916 –2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – COIGNEUX.
The Regiment relieved the 17th Royal Fusiliers in the same trenches.
The relief was affected without incident:
Regimental Headquarters was shelled on 17th, 18th and 19th.
1916 – 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – BEAUVAL
Battn in Billets. –
The 145INF BDE exercised in Open Order moving across country under BRIG-GEN DONE D.S.O. – Revolver Range opened.
1916 – 5th (S) Bn OXF & BUCKS LI - MONTAUBAN
Relieved by 43rd Bde & went to MONTAUBAN.
3-4 AM - In these operations took 1 French mitrailleuse & 8 field guns.
Casualties, Wounded Lt. Col. W.F.R. WEBB, Capt. E.W. MAUDE, 2nd Lts BEAVER, TURNER, BROOKE and ATKINS, at duty Capt. Gillespie R.A.M.C. & Lt. ROWE. O.R. Killed 14, Wounded 119, Missing 23. (All Refes in connection with attack separate).
3.30 PM- Received from Bde following order “Under orders received from Division the 5th O.L.I. & 5th K.S.L.I are placed at disposal of 43rd Inf. Bde. These 2 Battalions will prepare to move forthwith and inform this office when ready to do so”.
3.45 PM - Orders from Bde. “Attack on GIRD TRENCH and GUEUDECOURT will be resumed this evening. AAA Creeping barrage lifts off GIRD TRENCH at 6.55 p.m. and off GUEUDECOURT at 7.35 p.m. AAA 43rd Inf. Bde. to carry out this attack AAA 5th O.L.I. and 5th K.S.L.I. are placed at disposal of 43rd Inf. Bde forthwith for use in support of attack if necessary AAA our front line will probably be taken over Bde of another Div tonight”.
4.30 PM - Order from Bde “5th O.L.I. and 5th K.S.L.I. will move from present positions at 4.30 PM -. and relieve 41st Bde. in SWITCH TRENCH AAA 5th O.L.I. relieve 8th R.B. on right. AAA Care must be taken not to overcrowd trench, surplus men in shell holes outside. Right Battn. H.Q. T.7.b.7.7. AAA on moving from present positions 5th O.L.I. etc. will come under orders of G.O.C. 3rd Inf. Bde.
5.0 PM - Battn moved up and formed in Artillery formation just South of YORK Alley.
5.45 PM - Order from 43rd Bde. for attack “43rd to take GIRD SUPPORT & have mopping up parties in GIRD TRENCH & consolidate. 5th O.L.I. & 5th K.S.L.I. to carry out attack on GUEUDECOURT, they will move up from SWITCH TRENCH at such an hour as to be in GIRD Support at 7.35.p.m.
The barrage will lift and the attack be launched. Officers patrols will be pushed ahead of Battns & ascertain if GIRD SUPPORT taken. If not taken they will consolidate on Bulls Rd.
6.0 PM - Order from 43rd Bde “Attack on GUEUDECOURT cancelled 43rd Bde attack on GIRD SUPPORT. 5th O.L.I. & 5th K.S.L.I. to have 2 Coy’s in SWITCH TRENCH & H.Q. & 2 Coy’s in GAP TRENCH. 5th O.L.I. on arrival will send forward Officers patrols to get in touch with 43rd Bde & reconnoitre situation AAA In event 43rd Bde failing 5th P.L.I. etc will consolidate Bulls Rd gaining touch with Div on right AAA 5th K.S.L.I. to do same on left AAA 43rd M-G Coy to send 4 Vickers to GAP AAA If 43rd Bde successful Vickers to move forward to hold new line if unsuccessful cover Bulls Rd.
Battn moved up as ordered. Officer’s patrols sent to 43rd Bde & between GAP-SWITCH TRENCHES.
10.30 PM- Officer’s patrols reported 43rd Bde had taken GIRD TRENCH, but NOT GIRD SUPPORT & that plenty of troops were in Bulls Rd. (Later not true) Report sent 43rd Bde stating facts & that we intended to stay. Report sent Col of 43rd Bde that we were in support.