1826 – 52nd - received the 'Light Infantry Musket' in Canada.
1915 – 2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI –Trenches CUINCHY A2.
Companies started to march back to trenches in A2 Section, where we had never been previously in relief of 2/HLI.
Rain three days out of the four: enemy very quiet but alert and vigilant, especially at night.
Hard work keeping the trenches in passable order. Companies somewhat isolated and main work concentrated on keeping communication trenches open and free for passage.
About 200 13th Essex Regt daily employed in assisting this work.
Companies disposed as follows:
1 Company on Right Front with HQ in BRICKFIELD Keep and 1 platoon in CABBAGE PATCH Redoubt.
1 Company on Left Front with HQ and 2 platoons about railway embankment and 2 platoons in and about LOVERS KEEP.
Remaining 2 companies in houses in HARLEY STREET near PONT FIXE.
Regimental Headquarters at KINGSCLERE House.
These conditions as to distribution of companies had practically been imposed on account of the untenable condition of so many trenches; there was an unoccupied space of 150 yards in the front line between the outer flanks of the 2 companies.
1915– 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – HEBUTERNE
Battalion in Trenches.
Patrols sent out during Morning under cover of mist, brought in some German bombs found in what was believed to be a Sniping Post.
MINENWERFERS very active in afternoon. Considerable damage to trenches.
One casualty-shell shock.