1812 - The British Army, which had moved from Madrid to Salamanca, commenced its retirement on Portugal, covered by the Light Division.
1916 –2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI –REDAN SECTOR.
1916 – 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – ACID DROP CAMP
Battn in Huts.
In the Evening the Battn relieved the 1/8th R WARWICKS in Trenches on the NE of LE SARS on the Left of the Divisional front.
The 1/5 GLOSTERS were on the Right, the CANADIANS on the Left.
At 2am a patrol of 5 OR under 2LT PIPERNO left our lines about M.17.B.7.8. & proceeded in a NE direction through M.10.C. when close to GALLWITZ TRENCH they encountered a strong hostile patrol of about 15 men and withdrew.
An enemy post was located in the bank at M.15.a.4.8 by 2LT D FALLON & a patrol of 3 OR, 2LT D FALLON was Wounded.
At 2am 2LT BORE & 2 OR left the CHALK PIT (M.15.B.) and moved in a Westerly direction – owing to enemy flares the patrol could not get nearer the German Front Line than about M.15.a.6.8 – an enemy post was discovered at M.15.a.50.25.
1916 – 1/4th Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – Returned to the Trenches.
1947– 2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI (52nd Light Infantry) reduced to token cadre of 1 Officer , 1 WO and 2 NCOs.