1915 – 2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI -S GONNEHEM.
The whole brigade now out resting.
Avery good billeting area with some of the new pattern shower baths.
A field was found near CHOCAVES where three Adjutants Drills were carried out during the week.
New Company “Wiring” squads each 2 NCO’s and 8 men were trained.
Bombers were exercised.
Each company fired two practices of 5 rounds each grouping during the week.
Every afternoon all NCO’s and men were out at Drill the last two batches of newly made Lance Corporals (about 30) under the Regimental Serjeant Major all other NCO’s under their Company Serjeant Majors.
1915– 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – HEBUTERNE
Battalion in Trenches.
Quiet Day.
Our Machine Guns fairly active.