1811 – 43rd and 52nd - Combat of Cazal Novo (Peninsula).
1900 – 1st Bn Oxf LI – marched into Bloemfontein. (Boer War)
1916 – 2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – R.8
10am-Commenced relief of 2/H.L.I. in same sub-section.
Companies moved at intervals of 2 ½ hours.
Neighbourhood of CORONS D’AIX somewhat shelled during the morning which interfered slightly with the relief.
During this period the weather was fine and not so very clear, consequently enemy’s artillery not as troublesome.
Their snipers are now more active than on first coming into this line, but they do no harm.
Many trenches and parapets repaired and improved: the full supply of S.A.A boxes and grenades placed in the line before relief on the 19th by the 10th Bn West Riding Regiment (69th Brigade, 23rd Division). This did not begin on this occasion till 6pm. Very well carried out.
43rd Reinforcement of 53 men joined. They are deteriorating somewhat in quality.
1916 – 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – SAILLY
Relieved 5/GLOSTERS in “G” Sector.
4th ROYAL BERKS on Left, 4/GLOSTERS on Right.
Enemy Artillery rather more active.