1813 - The Light Division - encamped near Arbonne, after the Battle of the Nivelle.
1916 –2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – MAILLY MAILLET.
Y" day. G.O.C. 2nd Division met all Commanding Officers at 5th Infantry Brigade H.Q. at 10 a.m. The rest of the day, until the Regiment moved up to the trenches after dark, was spent in equipping, issuing stores, etc.
The Regiment moved off by companies from billets, so as to clear MAILLY MAILLET by 10.15 p.m., taking up assembly positions as under:-
A Company, in VALADA TRENCH, North of 6th AVENUE;
D Company, thence southwards.
These two companies in column of half companies, forming the first two waves of the Regiment in the attack.
C Company, in the north end of MOUNTJOY TRENCH;
B Company, thence southwards towards WHITE CITY.
All these positions were occupied without incident, the night being singularly quiet, with a thick mist.
Regimental Headquarters moved to joint Headquarters with the 24th Royal Fusiliers. in BUSTER TRENCH.
1916 – 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – ACID DROP CAMP
Battn in Huts.
The Battn supplied Working Parties for R.E. & for work in camp.