1837 - 43rd - reached Jones's Settlement in the march across the Portage of the Madawaska. (Canada)
1916 –2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – FONTAINE-SUR-MAYE.
Lieutenant C T Chevallier Joined for Duty
69th Reinforcement – 1 Serjeant and 13 Rank and File Joined for Duty.
1916 – 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – SCOTS REDOUBT CAMP SOUTH
Battn in Nissen Huts. –
Companies supplied R.E. Working Parties & improved Camp.
2PM - Battn moved to MIDDLE WOOD CAMP and relieved 1/5 GLOUCESTER REGT.
1916 – 2/4th (TF) Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – To huts in MARTINSAART WOOD.
1916 – 2/1st Bucks (TF) Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – To huts in MARTINSAART WOOD.
1916 – 6th (S) Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – Into the trenches.
1962 – 1st GREEN JACKETS (43rd & 52nd) - Arrived in Miri, Sarawak and proceeded
to deal with the revolt in that area.