1804 - William Napier joined the 43rd as Captain, from 52nd.
1812 – Light Division – arrived at the Escurial, near Madrid and halted in the park.
1917 – 2nd Bn OXF & BUCKS LI – LE PREOL.
2/Lt H S Eagle was transferred from B to D Company.
Lt W L Barnard rejoined for duty from attachment to 3rd Reserve Battalion and was posted to B Company. Officially posted to the 52nd on 1.8.17.
In accordance with General Routine Order 2494 authorising an addition to the Establishment of an Infantry Battalion in the Field of 2 Acting Captains, the following appointments to be Acting Captain of next Senior Subaltern Officers not already Acting Captains by virtue of Commanding Companies were made:-
Lt C T Chevalier d/20.7.17.
Lt T W C Foreshew 20,7.17-31.7.17.
Lt W L Barnard d/-1.8.17.
1917–1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – DAMBRE CAMP (B27d)
During the day the battalion carried out a practice attack in connection with the forthcoming operation.
Weather wet and rather cold
Ration Strength 22 Officers 806 OR
1917 – 6th (S) Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – Operations on the Steenbeek (Preparatory Moves).
1944 - 2nd (Airborne) Bn, Oxf & Bucks LI – LE MESNIL.
Enemy mortar and arty activity as usual.
'B' Coy snipers dug up and brought back an 'S' mine just outside an enemy post without being observed.
1944 – 1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – OUISTREHAM -Normandy
AM - Normal routine.
1230 - Enemy plane crashed on a house behind 'S' Coy lines, occupied by Airborne rest camp. Burst into flames and the house was soon one mass of flaming rubble. Everyone lent a hand but despite fire brigades and ambulances which arrived on the spot quickly a total of 17 persons were killed in the house and a further 10 injured. Bombing and shelling during the afternoon. One shell landed in 'A' Coy old HQ in the town and one in the Square near to the queue of soldiers waiting for the NAAFI mobile van. No-one was occupying ('A' Coy HQ at the time but Pte Higgins, one of Bn snipers was wounded by shrapnel in the hand and on removal to hospital had to have two fingers off.
PM - L/C Teagle (A tk Pl) hit by mortar bomb near Pl HQ. Removed to hospital and subsequently had to have left arm off.