1814 -Treaty of Paris signed; Napoleon retired to Elba.
1915 – 2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI - In Trenches near FESTUBERT
A very quiet period.
On 2 whole days no shelling whatever by enemy.
Some successful sniping on our front on several occasions: one rifle with telescope and one with magnifying sights (both private) found very useful.
The new line of breastwork towards Section B.3. completed by hurdle work.
A complete company of 19th London Regiment (TF) relieved one of ours in breastworks.
Our relieved company into quarters in Reserve near Regimental HeadQuarters.
Casualties: Nil
1915 – 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – LE BIZET
A & C Coys in trenches.
B & D Coys under instruction in billets
A & C Coys leave trenches between 6pm & 10pm.
1945 - 2nd (Airborne) Bn, Oxf & Bucks LI - NWE Heitlingen
The Commanding Officer was informed at Brigade that this Division is now to be Corps reserve. Today we were passed by the 15th (S) Division. Spring sunshine gave us all a chance of cleaning up & maintenance. 67 further reinforcements arrived.