1415 – Battle of Agincourt.
1793 - 43rd - (1,100) strong left England for the West Indies
1918 – 2nd Bn OXF & BUCKS LI – ST. PYTHON.
The Rev G H Gallop CF left the Regiment on transfer to a casualty Clearing Station for duty, and the Rev E H Guildford MC CF returned.
The following Officers were transferred to the 2/4th (TF) Bn of the Regiment in 61st Division:- Lt A N Hunt, 2Lt E J McAnsh, 2Lt A R Price.
A & C Coys moved to billets in the school.
The reinforcement carried out training.
1918 –1/1stBuckinghamshire Battalion – RIGHT SECTOR RIGHT BRIGADE (S.SISTO).
Bn Relieved by 1/4 R BERKS.
Relief complete by 10.00
Moved back to Support Positions.
Bn HQ on CROWN Track, A, B & C Coys on STAR Track, D Coy DIAMOND Track.
Practice Stand To in the Evening.
Informed by BDE that there we were to be prepared to Raid SEC-MADDALENA – CASSORDAR on Night 28th/29th.
Ration Strength: 20 Officers 607 OR. Casualties: 1 OR Hospital – sick.
1918 - 2/4th Bn Oxf & Bucks LI - To SOPMERIES.