1818 - 43rd, 52nd, - and other Regiments of the Army of Occupation, reviewed at Valenciennes by the Emperor of Russia and the King of Prussia.
1869 – 43rd – Moved from Curragh to Dublin.
A very successful Torchlight Tattoo in which the Buglers and the 2nd Divisional Band took part, was carried out in the Regimental Area.
On this and following dates Medical Inspections revealed that re-inoculations were advisable for 674 all ranks.
The reasons in favour of it were explained on parade, with the result that of 674, all were done, except 13 who refused, i.e. of in A Coy 106 none refused; in B Coy of 106 three refused; C Coy of 119 five refused; in D coy of 130 none refused; and in Headquarters Coy of 213 five refused.
1917–1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion - VILLERS-AU-BOIS.
All Coys Training.
All Reinforcements fired on the range.
Ration Strength 32 Officers 813 OR
1918 - 2nd Oxf & Bucks LI and 2/4th Bn Oxf & Bucks LI - Battle of the SELLE: engaged not far from Valencienes”