1776 – 43rd – engaged at New York Island (America).
1813 – 52nd – engaged at Arbonne.
1917 – 2nd Bn OXF & BUCKS LI – WINNEZEELE.
Tactical Exercises of Officers and NCOs, the same schemes being repeated as Company Exercises.
1917–1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion - TINQUES.
Coys had lectures in the Morning.
There was a Brigade route march in the Afternoon, the Bn returning to Billets about 5.30pm.
1917 - 6th Bn Oxf & Bucks LI engaged BATTLE OF CAMBRAI.
Moved to assembly trenches: attacked with tanks and carried objectives.
At 3.30 a.m. Coy’s moved into the Assembly positions behind the tanks.
This was completed at 4.30 a.m. when Coy’s. were disposed as follows:-
B Coy. on Left under Capt. Boissier.
D Coy. on Right under Capt. Foreshore.
C Coy. in Support under Lieut. Pluckrose, one Platoon on Right of D.
A Coy. in Reserve under Capt. Allday
H Quarters in Pope Alley
“B” & “D” Coy’s. each had 3 Tanks which were formed in a triangle
The leading Tanks had no troops behind, while the other two had each one Platoon in rear formed in 2 lines of sections in file. The 3rd Platoon of each Coy echeloned in rear. One platoon of C Coy. worked with 3 Tanks. The remaining 2 Platoons were in rear of B & D Coy’s.
A Coy. had one Platoon behind each of 3 leading Coy’s. 1 Section M.G. and 1 Section T.M. were with A Coy.
Position of first line was approximately R.14.a.50.10. 57c S.E.
On the Battns. Left was 12 K.R.R.C. and on right 7 D.C.L.I.,
6.10 a.m. Tanks started to move
6.20 a.m. Zero hour. Our barrage came down on Farm Trench.
Farm trench was taken with little opposition and C Coy. remained to mop up Right Platoon of Coy. Went to Corner work, cleared it and consolidated. B & D Coy’s. crossed Farm Trench and then bore too much to the right getting below La Vacerie.
These Coy’s followed the Tanks throughout. C Coy moved to Hindenburg Line, Followed by A Coy.
At 9 a.m. positions of Coy’s were –
B & D Coy’s in Hindenburg Support Line from R.3.d.30.50. to R.10.a.50.50. 57c S.E.
A Coy & 1 Platoon of C Coy. in Hindenburg Second Line from R.9.b.1.9. – R.9.b.9.5.
1 platoon of C Coy. were consolidating Goodman Farm and the other Corner Work.
Capts, Boissier & Allday were hit during this advance.
2nd Lt. G. Rowbotham assumed command of B Coy and 2nd Lt. Pope of A Coy.
Our casualties up to 10 a.m. were 2 Officers (Thomas & Williams) killed and 3 Officers (Capt. Boissier, Capt. Allday and 2 Lt. Mant) wounded and 20 Other ranks killed and wounded.
H. Quarters moved along with the advance and were at R.9.b.40.00. 57c S.E.
Touch was obtained with 12 K.R.R.C. on Left and 7 D.C.L.I. ON right.
2PM. Orders were received to move round and occupy the line from R.5 Central to L.27b.40.20. 57c N.E,
The Battn. was disposed now with “D” on right “A” Centre. “C” Left and “B” in reserve. H Quarters were in pits at R.5.a.4.8. 57c S.E.
Touch with 6 K.S.L.I. was obtained on left and with 12 K.R.R.C. on right.
1947 – 1st Bn Oxf & Bucks LI - All number V rifles and bayonets exchanged for number IV rifles and bayonets.