1900 – 1st Bn Oxf LI – engaged with Boers near Helibron.
1915 - 7th Bn Oxf & Bucks LI sailed from Marseilles for Salonika.
1916 – 2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI engaged in Battle of the Ancre (Somme) at Redan Ridge.
1918 – 2nd Bn OXF & BUCKS LI – VILLERS POL.
The morning was spent in road cleaning and the burial of dead horses, an area being allotted to the Regiment.
Capt H S eagle rejoined for duty.
1918 –1/1stBuckinghamshire Battalion – THIENE to NOVALE area (MAGLIO).
Battn paraded at 08.30 & marched to NOVALE area, arriving there at 16.00hrs.
Halted for 1 1/2 hours at C RIVA (close to SCMIO).
Length of march 18 Miles – longish hill at end of march made it trying.
Battn again marched well.
Billets in MAGLIO with a little rearrangement will be very comfortable.
Place clean.
Billets good.
Inhabitants who have not had British troops in the area before, very friendly.
Ration Strength: 24 Officers 632 OR. Casualties: NIL.
1918 - 1/4th Bn Oxf & Bucks LI - To MAGLIO.
1918 – 1/4th Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – THIENE.
Marched to MAGLIO.
Started 8.55 am arrived 4.10 pm.
Order of march:- HQ, A, Band, B, C, D Coy's.
A halt for dinner was made from 12.15 pm to 1.30 pm at C. RIVA, to which point packs had been carried by lorry.
The climb over the hill proved very trying.
Fine day.
1918 - 2/4th Bn Oxf & Bucks LI - MARESCHES.
The Battalion was employed repairing the railway near SEPMERIES.
1918 - 8th Bn Oxf & Bucks LI - By rail to ROUSTCHUK.