Thence the Regiment marched at 9.30am to LE NOUVEAU MONDE on the CASSEL – WORMHODT ROAD.
The Regiment now embarked upon a stay of one week in the LE NOUVEAU MONDE area, companies being distributed in the barns of farm houses in an area of 21/4 by 1/1/4 miles, everything being very scattered: Regimental Headquarters were established in LE KAEPER FME just off and east of the CASSEL – WORMHOUDT Road.
But for the weather and that the Regiment lived in daily expectation of moving this stay would have been not unpleasant.
1917–1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion - IN THE LINE.
Four Patrols out during Night of 7th-8th. At Midday a raid took place carried out by 31st DIVISION on our immediate Right. Our Artillery and M.Gs cooperated.
About 12.10pm the enemy barrage came down and a good deal of shelling came on our Right.
There were NO casualties, but a certain amount of damage was done all along Right Coys Front. There were a few direct hits in other trenches in our area.
The raid was successful and 21 Prisoners were taken.
Casualties NIL
1917 – 7th (S) Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – On relief moved to P N Camp (Salonika)