1831 - 52nd - Reached Bristol in aid of the civil power.
1904 – Coombe Hill Boer War Memorial – Unveiled to the memory of the Men of Buckinghamshire who fell in the South African War 1899-1902.
1918 – 2nd Bn OXF & BUCKS LI – ST. PYTHON.
In anticipation of a possible march owing to a big advance taking place the same day, packs, great coats and caps were dumped and also all surplus kit, so that the Regiment might be as mobile as possible.
The Lewis Gun carried were cut down from 36 to 20. Every man carried a blanket, jerkin also one flare.
Companies bathed
From 1300hrs the Regiment was at short notice until 1500hrs when orders received that it would not move that day.
During the morning a reinforcement of about 70 ORs arrived.
The Regiment was told it would move next day.
1918 - 1/4th Bn Oxf & Bucks LI - and l/lst Bucks Bn. ARMISTICE WITH AUSTRIA.
1918 –1/1stBuckinghamshire Battalion – CALDONAZZO To MADRANO.
Following Message received from Brigade at 0700hours:-
“Armistice with AUSTRIA-HUNGUARY has been signed 3rd NOV aaa
Armistice will come into effect from 15.00hrs 4th NOV aaa
Moves ordered for 4 NOV will take place but all troops will halt on the line gained at 15.00 hrs exactly aaa.
All Austrians within the line gained this hour will be considered prisoners of war aaa.
AUSTRIANS not within this line will at 15.00hts Retire for a distance of at least 3 kilometres aaa.
The utmost care will be taken to see that these instructions are carried out aaa.
The contents of this wire will be immediately passed to all units who are in touch in case they should NOT receive them by other means – ACKNOWLEDGE”
Battn paraded at 10.00 hrs & marched with remainder of Brigade to MADRANO via PERGINE - march lengthened by some 5 miles owing to wrong road being taken out of CALDONAZZO.
Arrived about 15.00hrs.
No signs seen of enemy, except a few prisoners coming back.
All Villages & Towns very dirty & strewn with enemy equipment & dead horses.
Length of march about 16 miles.
Poor Billets.
Inhabitants friendly & pleased to see us.
Ration Strength: 26 Officers 631 OR
1918 – 1/4th Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – CALDONAZZO.
09.00 - B Coy took over Austrian prisoners numbering several thousands.
13.30 - This guard relieved by an Italian Coy.
A large ordnance store discovered at the station.
This store contains thousands of pounds worth of ordnance store, equipment, artillery etc.
B Coy detailed to guard the store.
19.50 - D Coy rejoin the Bn.
1918 - 2/4th Bn Oxf & Bucks LI - To AVESNES-LEZ-AUBERT.
Company Inspections.
Baths under Battalion arrangements.
Weather fine.
Casualties NIL.