1815 - 52nd,- after a stay of two months, marched out of Paris and went into quarters at Versailles.
1872 - 43rd – Arrived Cannanore, East Indies.
1918 - 1st Bn Oxf & Bucks LI - HIT (Euphrates).
Holidays to celebrate the defeat of the Turks.
On the evening of the 2nd the Regiment was relieved.
B & C Companies by the Irish Guards, A Company by No1 Company of 2nd Coldstream Guards, D Company & Regimental HeadQuarters by the 1st Coldstream Guards.
On completion of relief Companies moved to billets in ST. PYTHON, owing to the roads being blocked with traffic it was nearly midnight before the last company arrived.
Rear HeadQuarters moved from VERTAIN to ST. PYTHONduring the afternoon.
1918 –1/1stBuckinghamshire Battalion – IN RIGHT BRIGADE RESERVE NR PRIA DEIL ACQUA
Battn moved from the line it had taken up the previous Afternoon at 0700 to M. MOSCIAGN, arriving about 1100hrs.
A hard march made worse by the fact that the days rations & water had not arrived.
However they turned up about 11.30hrs.
Orders received at 1300 to move at once into the VAL PORTULE.
Very Cold night & number of huts quite inadequate to accommodate Battn, only about 3/4 getting under cover for the night.
Ration Strength: 23 Officers 611 OR.
1918 – 1/4th Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – ROCCOLO NE.
06.00 - Bn. less A & B Coy's advance on M. MOSCIAGH, the intention being to occupy this after 7th WORCESTER Regt. left it to attack M. INTERROTTO from the N. hold it until arrival of BUCKS Bn. & then advance on M. MEATTA.
At point where track crosses RED TRENCH (Square 60 & 61) N. of C. SISHESTAL the 1/6 WARWICKS found in front waiting to advance on M. MOSCIAGH & thence to D'ASSA.
A & B Coy's had orders to march due W. at dawn & rejoin Bn. in vicinity of M. MOSCIAGH.
06.40 - Bn. moved off in rear of 1/6 R. WARWICKS.
Moved in file: Platoons at 50yds. distance.
Two groups of Scouts, under 2/Lt J.T. FOSTER had gone ahead at 06.00 hrs. to reconnoitre . No sign enemy at M. INTERROTTO or M. MOSCIAGH.
07.40 - A & B Coy's joined rear of Column. Rations & water issued to them.
07.55 - BUCKS Bn. met coming into road from East.
As the Bn. was late owing to being held up by 1/6 R. WARWICKS, it was decided to push straight on to M. MEATTA, leaving BUCKS Bn. to occupy M. MOSCIAGH.
08.45 - M. MOSCIAGH reported clear of R. WARWICKS.
Bn. moved on via road through CROCE DEL FRANCASE to VALLE DI PORTULE, reaching point C.430.200 at 10.45.
Up to this point 2 groups of Scouts ahead.
10 prisoners brought in.
A good many guns & much material found abandoned.
At CROCE DEL FRANCASE one Platoon C Coy posted 200yds up road running N. to
M. ZINQARELLA to guard passage of Bn.
One Platoon C Coy posted 200yds along VALLE DI PORTULE Rd.
1100 - Bn. left this point & proceeded by road to M. MEATTA.
One Platoon C Coy as advance guard.
20 minute marching & 10 minute halt observed going up the mountain.
12.15 - Arrived CASARA MEATTA where Bn HQ established with B Coy in reserve.
Four 4.2 H.V. guns found abandoned.
12.20 - C Coy moved forward to shoulder NW. of CASARA MEATTA to guard passage of 143 Bde up VAL D'ASSA.
Found that perfect view obtained & R. WARWICKS seen moving up VAL D'ASSA without opposition. Our heavy shells falling rather close to them.
12.35 - D Coy moved N up road to point O.320.235 to guard VAL D'ASSA.
R. WARWICKS from this point could be seen advancing, followed by transport.
A Coy in support 300yds S of D Coy.
A patrol of D Coy under Lieut OAKFORD pushed along M. MEATTA to point C.81.44 & about 16.30 obtained touch with enemy, about 15 in number. They held up their hands, but suddenly turned round and fled. They were fired upon, but disappeared in the mist.
Later about 50 enemy advanced but retired on being fired upon.
At O.43.40 there was heavy Machine Gun & rifle fire, but impossible to ascertain whether French or Italian.
19.20 - Bn less D Coy down to VALLE DI PORTULE.
D Coy to remain in position on M. MEATTA until noon Nov 3rd in order to guard VAL D'ASSA.
12.20 - Arrived at VALLE DI PORTULE and billeted for the night.
First line transport joined Bn.
1918 - 2/4th Bn Oxf & Bucks LI - To MARESCHES.
At 0530 hours the Battalion attacked the SAINT HUBERT cross roads with A and C Companies in the front line. B Company in support and D Company in reserve.
Two Companies 2/5th Gloucesters attacked on our right and the 4th Division attacked simultaneously on our left.
The attack was preceded by a creeping barrage, which was followed up very closely by the Infantry.
Resistance was met with from enemy Machine Guns, particularly at L.20.d.7.5. but the assault was pushed forward with such speed and energy by both Companies, that the enemy resistance became completely demoralised, and large bodies surrendered all along the line.
The cross roads at SAINT HUBERT was in our possession by 0630 hours and two enemy tanks fell into our hands on the ridge North West of SAINT HUBERT. The enemy could be seen retiring over the rising ground in L.16. in the direction of JENLAIN. The Battalion pushed on to a line L.14. central – L.15 central thence southwards towards the river at L.33.a.1.4. many enemy machine guns being captured.
B Company moved up with 2 platoons to a line between SAINT HUBERT and MARESCHES cemetery.
The other 2 platoons formed a protective flank to A Company.
On our left we were in touch with1st Seaforth Highlanders, 4th Division. 2/5th Gloucesters came up into position on our right in the evening. A Company occupied the road junction in L.27.a. During the morning between 0600 hours and 1000 hours there was very heavy enemy shelling on the area between MARESCHES and the front line, both inclusive.
In this successful operation, the following captures were made by the Battalion: - Machine Guns Light 37, Machine Guns Heavy 6, Trench Mortars Light 8, Trench Mortars Heavy 2, Tanks 2, Field Guns 2, Anti-Tank Rifles 4, prisoners 550.
On the night 2/3rd Companies of 1/4th Shropshires, Cheshires and Staffords took up positions in the area held by the Battalion. On completion of these moves Companies withdrew to BERMERAIN. C Company and 2 platoons of B Company did not reach their billets until 0800 hours on 3rd inst.
Casualties: - 2/Lieut. S.W. BOWN wounded. Other Ranks Killed 6. Wounded 34, Wounded at duty 3.