1811 – 43rd and 52nd - Pursuit of Massena (Peninsula War).
1918 - 1st Bn Oxf & Bucks LI - occupied Hit.(Mesopotamia)
1918 – 2nd Bn OXF & BUCKS LI – METZ-EN-COUTURE. (France)
An identification was very urgently required so a raid, with the object of getting one was undertaken by Letter B Company on the right front at 4AM on 9.3.18 under Lt R G Pluckrose MC. This failed and there were several casualties including Lt Pluckrose, wounded (No Killed or Missing) owing to (I) presence of thick wire round Ostrich Sap, point raided; Patrol reports had been optimistic. (II) Failure of 6inch Trench Mortar to be able to take part in the operation – considerable wire cutting had been allotted to them but they inflicted casualties when registering by wounding Capt E J Osborn MC Commanding 5th Light Trench Mortar battery and 2Lt W H Seals MC 52nd Light Infantry, attached 5th Light trench Mortar Battery (which latter officers shortly afterwards died of his wounds and was buried at YTRES. These officers were laying their guns in our front line, with a view to co-operating in the same operation.
Ostrich Sap was full of Germans a working party as well as the Garrison, and the raiding company was very lucky to suffer no worse than it did.
Casualties: Wounded = 1 and Lt R G Pluckrose MC
1918 –1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion - BAVARIA. (Italy)
Fine Weather continued.
Coys Training and having baths during the Morning.
In the Afternoon C and B Coys practised Hill Fighting on the South side of MONTELLO between roads 3 & 4.
At Dusk the battalion practised Alarm Positions manning trenches in the immediate vicinity of the Billets.
Ration Strength: 36 Officers 795 OR
Casualties: NIL
To Hospital Sick: 7 OR