1813 – 43rd and 52nd - The Light Division at Olite.
1919 –1st Bn, OXF & BUCKS LI – NORTH RUSSIA.
0110 - Attack on IGNATOVSKAYA commenced.
0250 - Orders issued by A & C Coy’s to break off the action & reform on the road. Withdrawal commenced, Capt. Naylor & 2 platoons of A Coy. acting as rearguard.
0430 - Raiding party arrived back at MALA BERESNIK.
Telegram received from C – C and Gen. Grogan.
Casualties in raid.
Killed 2nd Lt. E.L. Hughes and 5 other ranks 1st Oxf & Bucks Lt. Infantry & 1 other rank M.G.C.
Wounded. Capt. C.S. Bains D.S.O. Lt. O.R.M. Sturges, Lt. W Maunder, M.C. & 21 other ranks. 1st Ox. & Bucks Lt. Infantry.
Lt. E.S. Browne R.F.A., 3 other ranks M.G.C. & 1 other rank R.E.
Missing. - 7 other ranks 1st Ox & Bucks Lt. Infantry.
1430 - Lt. Colvill & 1 platoon D Coy. arrived UST VAGA from Detachment BERESNIK.
Report to G.H.Q. on Operation night 26/27th. Copy to H.Q. Grogan’s Bde.
1944 - 2nd (Airborne) Bn, Oxf & Bucks LI – BREVILLE.
The Regiment moved up to BRÉVILLE at 0930 hrs.
The relief was made without any interference from the enemy.
Troops spent the remainder of the day improving the defences.
Letter B Coy sent out a recce patrol to locate enemy standing patrols and watch movement with a view to destroying it at a later date.
The day passed uneventfully.